Mommy's Only Baby

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3rd person's pov:

Momo pulled Dahyun closer to her, her hands resting on her lower stomach, twirling her fingers on her exposed skin which caused Dahyun to squirm on her spot.

She whimpered quietly because of her Mommy's light teasing touches, she turn her head to look at her Mommy's face clearly. Momo shushed her as her eyes remain focus on the flat screen tv infront of them.

"Focus on the tv, baby." Momo demanded making Dahyun pout as she looks away in defeat and put her attention on the screen infront of them.

She heard Momo hum behind her and felt her hand creeping higher, tracing invisible patterns on her flushed naked skin which made her gasp softly, Momo chuckled at her reaction.

"Eh? You're so sensitive, baby." Momo teased her while laughing softly, her hands caressing the stiffening tips above her bra.

"Did you missed Mommy that much?" She added as she flick the sensitive bud playfully, Dahyun could only whimper in response. She arched her back to Momo's wandering hands, both of them completely dismissing the movie playing on the screen.

"Mommy, baby missed you so much." Dahyun whimpers as she looks up with her big pleading eyes, Momo grin before giving her baby a soft kiss on her head, pulling away her hands.

"Alright, take off your bra and panty for me." Momo commanded as she cross her arms over her chest, eyeing her pretty little baby taking off her garments adorably while struggling to keep herself balance on her knees, Momo smirk at her.

Once Dahyun tossed the (unnecessary) garments away, she slowly crawl towards Momo, letting her boobs hang lowly as she made her way to the hungry predator infront of her. As for Momo, she lick her sudden dry lips.

She opens her arms widely and welcomes Dahyun in her arms, loving the feeling of having to feel Dahyun's pale soft boobs pressing against her own.

"My poor baby, do you first want to see the gift Mommy got you?" Momo asked her as she left kisses on Dahyun's shoulders, Dahyun shook her head and pulls away to face the Japanese woman.

"I want to make Mommy feel good first," She pouted which made Momo chuckle in amusement, she spread her arms again and Dahyun immediately complied happily to the silent request.

She untied the knot of her bathrobe while placing soft kisses on the skin that was exposed on her sight, Momo shrugged off the robe after Dahyun was finished.

Momo grasped Dahyun's hair, pulling her closer as she moaned quietly when Dahyun softly bit the skin on her collarbone.

"Fuck... Come here, baby. Kiss Mommy." She pulled her by the hair and smash their lips together, teeth's clashing as they push into each other's mouths.

Dahyun wraps her arms around her Mommy's neck as she pulled away from the kiss, going straight to her jaw, leaving wet kisses on her jawline down to her neck, leaving light marks in the process.

Momo tilted her head as she held Dahyun's head, she run her fingers through her hair as she praise her breathlessly.

"Mmh, ah-- Dahyun-baby. You're so good honey, making Mommy very happy." She whispered lowly which made Dahyun moan at the praise. Dahyun pulled away with a happy grin, she's glad she made her Mommy happy.

"Baby's happy that Mommy is happy." Momo chuckled in response as she brought her hands to grope Dahyun's ass, rubbing it softly before spanking it lightly. Dahyun throw her head back at the painful sensation.

"Ugh..." She moaned quietly while Momo gripped her jaw and tilted her head to the side, she bit harshly on her pale skin which made Dahyun groan in pain, her hips bucking against Momo's thighs.

"Such a good girl for Mommy, why don't you grab your favorite toy on the closet?" Dahyun's ears perked up in excitement, she got off her Mommy's lap and dig into th pile of toys they had before finally grasping her favorite toy.

She hopped happily back to the bed and saw Momo grabbing some wipes from the bedside table. She smiled excitedly when she met Momo's mischievous ones.

"Come here, baby. Let Mommy clean your toy and get on your knees and hands for me." She ordered and Dahyun nodded, getting on the position after handling the item to Momo's hand, she heard the japanese chuckled in delight.

A few shuffling and turning behind her, she felt Momo held her hips and pulled her impossibly closer to her, she whimpered when she felt the head of the 8-inch pink silicone strap running on her wet folds, parting her slick lips as it occasionally bumps with her swollen clit, she jolts at the sensation.

She jumps when she felt her Mommy leaning close to her back, her hot breath tickling her ears which made her hairs stand as her tits perk in delight.

"Say, did someone dared to touch you while i was gone, sweetness?" She shuddered at how low and demanding Momo sounded, she bit her lip while gripping the sheets.

"T-There i-is... but i turn them down immediately, i only want Mommy." She whimpered even more when Momo pushed her hips forward, making her swallow the whole girth without any warning, she throw her head back on Momo's shoulder, letting out a silent scream as she felt Momo kissing her head softly.

"Good girl, Dahyunnie. Mommy will give you your reward." Momo promised as she begin moving her hips in a fast pace that got Dahyun crying her name out, Momo chuckled and bite back a groan.

Momo effortlessly flip her on her back and slammed back inside her as she begins pounding into her roughly.

She grasp the back of her knees, wrapping her legs around her knees her waist as she pounds into her without a care on the world, listening to Dahyun's screams of pleasure.

"My sweet, sweet little girl, only needy and slut for her Mommy." She lands a harsh hit on Dahyun's bouncing ass. Dahyun throw her head back at the overwhelming pleasure.

Momo felt her tightening so she moved faster at a cruel pace that had Dahyun screaming and cumming undone. Momo pulled out and turned her around, shoving inside her once again, ignoring how Dahyun was trying to pushed her away out of sensitivity.

She smiled at her before increasing her thrusts, she reached below them and used her fingers to part her lips, smiling in amusement when her eyes landed on the little nerve that was twitching looking for attention.

"N-No! Please don't rub my clit! I'm so sensitive, MOMMY!" Dahyun pleads but Momo just simply ignored her and started to furiously rub and pinch her nerves which made Dahyun scream in response and sent her juices flying between them.

Momo smiled and down to peck the side of her head.

"Mommy's good obedient girl, always remember you're mine. Everyone who dares to take you away from me will go to hell."


A/n:: not me writing this a few nights ago at 8:50 then finished it at 10:30, i then woke up the next morning with a terrible headache 👁️👄👁️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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