sneak peek

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Pairing : Jihyo × Sana

Summary : Jihyo being the school's student body president, she was assigned to inspect the school area during class hours and caught a somewhat 'traumatizing' scene if she may say.

Top Sana × Bottom Jihyo

"You sure you don't want me to accompany you while inspecting, Ji?" Dahyun asked Jihyo while the both of them got out of the principal's office. Jihyo shakes her head causing Dahyun to pout in disappointment.

Jihyo scoff at the girl and raise a brow.

"You'll just use me to ditch your classes again, Dahyun." She replied and Dahyun rolled her eyes at her.

"Whatever.. I'm leaving you here since i have to meet up with my boyfriend in the medical department! Soo bye-bye!" Dahyun waves her hand to her as she runs out of their department, Jihyo could only sigh at the younger.

Prioritizing her relationship after studies? Classic Dahyun" Jihyo had thought and went back to do her task.

Checking and inspecting each area in which students may have sneak in to just ditched classes. Or maybe doing some inappropriate things together with their partners and not giving a fuck about the school rules.

"Yah! Park Jimin and Yoo Jeongyeon, fighting in the hall during class hours again? Come to the office!" And her duty starts there and keeps going on.

"Seriously? Jisoo what did the principal told you about sneaking into the cafeteria during class hours just to eat chicken?" Then another.

"Hwang Yeji, Shin Yuna! you guys are out checking out the female students again? didn't i just warned you yesterday?!" And was followed about a dozen of violaters once again.

What a normal day for President Park Jihyo.

After settling and putting all the students to detention, she continues to roam in the halls making sure that they weren't any students busy roaming around after ditching class.

And when Jihyo came across the female's restroom in the second floor, noises where heard that sent her brows to cross together.

"Unholy students..." She whispered to herself and silently went there and slowly peek inside.

And what she saw was traumatizing if she must say.

Minatozaki Sana touching and kissing a junior from the music department.

Sana was busy kissing the junior that both of them didn't notice Jihyo's presence.

And honestly? seeing this sight made Jihyo feel something weird that she hasn't experience before.

Perhaps it's turning her on(?) Jihyo gulped and decided to turn around to leave hoping that neither of the saw her presence but before that.

She saw her, she was smirking at her, she was definitely doomed.

And so Jihyo looks away and fastly sprint her way out there.

"Holy crap..." She swallow her breath and shake her head.

She then proceeded to head to the Student Council's office.

"Hyo? You seem to be flush... what happened?" Nayeon - vice president - asked Jihyo when she had returned to their office and saw the president blushing and gasping for air.

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