one - the incident

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"Sebastian! What did you do?!" I called out, my eyes struggling to comprehend what they had just witnessed.

I watched, as if in slow motion, the brown-haired boy drop his wand, it made a thud as it hit the cold, catacomb floor and he dropped to his knees, his robe pooling around him. His usually deep brown eyes faded as if they had lost their colour and his soul seeped out through them. His hands trembled, and he looked as if he was trying to find something to say, but words couldn't form.

I heard footsteps approaching behind me and turned quickly, my light brown hair swishing in slow motion to be met with the vision of Anne. She had a look in her eye I had never seen before. I had only met her a handful of times but this... this was pure rage. Her eyes were piercing, her breathing was hitched and she clutched onto her wand so hard her knuckles were turning white. Her usually gaunt complexion was bright red and tears streamed down her face in a steady flow.

"What have you done?" Anne's shaky voice called, it vibrated off the walls and rang through my ears.

Sebastian lifted one leg to stand, not saying a word.

"Depulso!" Anne yelled, a trembling hand holding her wand directly at Sebastian who was tossed backwards and collided with his back straight into the wall of the catacombs, clouds of dust surrounding him as he crumpled to the floor.

"Look! Look at what you have done!" Anne's voice quivered as it got louder.

I felt strange standing between the two of them watching this unfold. A part of me wanted to help a wounded Sebastian off the ground but I was scared. I didn't know that he was capable of this. He was reckless. What if he did it again? What if he hurt me?

The other part of me wanted to go and hug Anne. Comfort her. Take her away from the scene. But instead, I stood. I watched. I waited. I held my breath.

Sebastian lifted a weak arm up in Anne's direction. She ignored his non-verbal pleas and turned her wand to the spell book Sebastian had carefully placed atop a sarcophagus.

"Bombarda!" she called out as she blasted the spellbook into flames.

A guttural scream left Sebastian's body. The first sound I had heard him make in minutes. Or hours. I don't know how long I had been standing there.

"You made your choice. Never and I mean never speak to me again. Don't come looking for me and you sure as hell better not keep finding a cure for me after this. Never. Again. Do you hear me, Sebastian?" Anne's trembly voice ached at her brother.

I noticed her tears still hadn't stopped as she bent down and cradled her uncle's corpse, the both of them disappearing with a loud crack and a flick of the light.

I turned to Sebastian who still laid on the floor. He hadn't moved. He looked like he very may well have been dead himself.

My heart won the battle over my brain and I began to take cautious steps towards him. He blinked slowly at the ground, his furrowed brows unmoving.

I extended a hand to held him off the floor but I don't think he noticed. He blinked a few more times and stood up by himself.

"I must get out of here." He mumbled, I assume to himself because he still didn't acknowledge me.

He started to jog and I quickly began to follow him. His long legs meant his stride was bigger than mine and I struggled to keep up.

"Sebastian! Sebastian, please, wait!" I called out.

He didn't hear me and continued running back up the path, completely ignoring the tattered second-time corpses of the inferi Ominis and I had fought through to get to him in the first place.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now