twenty three - london pt 2

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Sebastian's POV

Entering the home of Lara's brother felt strange but also, comforting. The house was cozy but spacious, definitely a step above the cottage in Feldcroft. It reminded me of being a child again, an upstairs area, a bedroom each, an expansive lounge and dining area surrounded by a warm fire. It was eerily similar to the home Anne and I lived in with our parents.

There were pictures all over the wall. Louis and Lara as a child. I could tell by their hair. Lara's was a darker brown and Louis' was blonde. He also towered over her. I could deduce the other was a family photo with their parents. Lara had spoken about them a lot. They sounded like nice people who had a lot to be proud of with their children. One, an accomplished police officer and the other an extremely talented, beautiful witch with a rare talent, possibly the only living person in the world to bear it. I know I was proud of her, so I can only imagine how they felt.

It hurt me to realise I was feeling a twang of jealousy towards Lara and Louis and their seemingly perfect childhoods. I know Lara carried some traumas from her time at Hogwarts but, as a whole, her life had been incredibly blessed. It didn't feel fair. Why couldn't I have had the same things?

Lara took me downstairs for supper after we put away our belongings. I'd opened up to her slightly, letting her know my displeasure for Christmas. It wasn't her fault, I appreciated that she cared for me enough to invite me to be with her family but seeing her with something I could never have again brought out something in me. I hated the way I felt about it.

I heartbreakingly listened to Lara and Louis bicker at the table as we ate. Fuck, what I wouldn't give to do that with Anne again.

I did participate a little in the conversation when I was asked questions, but to be honest, I was just happy to let Lara catch up with her brother.

She left me with Louis to help Cecilia clean up in the kitchen and we moved to the lounge, warming ourselves by the fireplace.

"So, Sebastian. Lara talks about you a lot. Remind me how you met?" Louis asked, pouring himself a whiskey from the cabinet. "Want one?"

I shook my head, still unsure how whiskey would go down.

"Uh, we met in her first year, actually. I'm not sure if she told you but she's quite skilled as duelling. She managed to beat me in her first ever class."

Louis laughed. "Yeah, always been competitive that one. She'll never let you win, I know that from experience."

"I'll say." I said, chuckling as my fingers traced over the stitching in the lounge.

"I'm glad she asked you to join us for Christmas. She's always been so quiet about her friends and private life. I was shocked when you became a regular topic in our correspondence. Won't your family miss you over the holidays?" Louis innocently asked.

"I don't think so. Unfortunately, my parents died when I was eight and my sister passed away at the start of this year."

"Oh mate, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, any friend of Lara's is a friend of mine, so you're more than welcome to stay here as long as you like."

"Thanks, Louis. I appreciate it."

Just as the conversation lulled again, I heard Lara storm off and announce her intentions to go to bed.

"Ah. Cecilia's probably put her foot in it again. She always does. Maybe check on her." Louis said, gesturing to me to follow Lara upstairs. So, I did.

"Lars?" I said, knocking gently on her door.

Lara laid on her back, her pillow firmly across her head, covering her face.

"No." she simply said.

I refused to accept her answer and sat down on the end of her bed, my hand gently resting on her lower leg.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now