forty nine - N.E.W.Ts

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Two weeks had passed since Sharp called me into his office to let us know about the Ministry looking for the person responsible for Theophilus Harlow's death, that being Sebastian who was hiding low in the castle. Though, we were running out of time. Our N.E.W.Ts started next week, then once the graduation ceremony was over and we went across the black lake, we were on our own. No Hogwarts protection charms, no Professor Sharp. Just two eighteen year olds out in the world on their own.

The Daily Prophet had published the news of Harlow's death and the fact they were looking for the culprit. The thought made me sick. Too many people know what happened in Manor Cape for my liking. There was myself, Sebastian, Ominis and Professor Sharp... but there was also Natty, Poppy, and no doubt Amit knowing the nature of his relationship with Natty. Plus every goddamn Ashwinder to ever exist. They had to recognise Sebastian...

We could hide in London. But Sebastian would need to get a job. There's no way my parents would let us live there with no money coming in. If he couldn't support me, they'd get me married to someone who could despite me finding my 'love match'. So that wouldn't work.

We couldn't go to Feldcroft. He's too well known there too...

We were fucked. Maybe I could just hide out in the Undercroft for the rest of time and sneak to the kitchen to eat.

Fuck! I didn't know what to do.

"Lara?" Sebastian snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I was brought back to the reality of the library, remembering we were here to study. A near impossible task.

"Are you alright?" He asked, laying a gentle hand on my forearm.

"Yeah. Sorry. Daydreaming." I said softly, going back to my text book.

"Stop thinking about it. I'm sure Sharpy is taking care of it. Ominis too. We've got enough people who can pull strings. We'll be okay." He squeezed my arm.

"You're right. Sorry. So, which potion were we talking about again?"

"Veritaserum... the one you aced." Sebastian sighed.

"Ah. Yes." Welp, it was obviously no good to me now because I'd forgotten every bloody ingredient.

The following week was a blur of studying and anxiety. Despite my best efforts, I struggled to absorb the material, my mind consumed by the impending doom of our situation. Sebastian and I had become distant, barely touching each other beyond a parting goodnight kiss. The weight of existential dread hung over us, and the fear of failing our exams and ruining our futures intensified.

I was about to fuck up my life flunking these exams after being an exemplary (mostly) student for the past three years.

At least I had the muggle world to fall back onto if I made a complete fool of myself in the wizarding world.

Sebastian and I stood outside the exam room amongst our peers, the Great Hall converted and filled with single tables. It felt much more intimidating than my O.W.L exams, especially given the circumstances. The doors swung open, and we were ushered inside, taking our seats at individual desks.

"Good luck, sweetheart. Not that you need it," Sebastian said, giving me a much-needed kiss that quelled my queasiness.

I had the misfortune of sitting a few rows behind Sebastian, my gaze fixated on the back of his head as he scratched it with his quill, deep in thought.

Next test, I'm asking to be moved to the front...

Despite my nerves and the distraction of Sebastian sitting in front of me, I thought I did well. I answered everything about Dittany and I was especially knowledgeable about Bubotubers and their pus. As if I could forget.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now