five - a rude awakening*

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warning: mature content

I had almost forgotten I'd brushed Garreth off to see Ominis in the Undercroft until I saw him dozing off to sleep on a lounge in the common room when I returned well and truly after curfew. I'd taken myself up to the astronomy tower where I stashed my paints and other art supplies with Amit's help. It was a clear night, so I painted some of the constellations I thought I could see.

Astronomy was my favourite subject. It reminded me of home because no matter if you were a muggle, a witch, a wizard or anything else, the stars remained the same for everyone. It was comforting to know that my parents were looking up at the same sky I was.

I painted for hours, my fingers and wrist becoming numb from the repetitive motions of laying paint layers down. When my nose started to become so cold I thought it may drop off, I called it a night and stashed my supplies away again.

I didn't realise the time until I heard a clock in one of the corridors begin to chime signalling it was midnight, startling me. But, it didn't matter if I made noise. One of the perks of being a prefect, I could wander the castle whenever I wanted.

As I crept into the Gryffindor common room, it was empty. Except for a single lamp that had been left on. As I got closer, I saw Garreth's sleepy silhouette. He was sitting upright, still in his robes. His head was supported by his hand, his elbow perched on the arm of the lounge.

I was hit with a huge bout of guilt. I can't believe I forgot.

I discreetly tried to slide in next to him on the lounge, lifting his arm and tucking myself under it. But, it didn't exactly work as he woke up.

"Lara?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the room.

"I am so, so sorry." I said, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"It's fine. Honestly. I understand it was probably important to you to see Ominis. I know you don't speak often." He smiled, his arm squeezing my shoulder.

I didn't deserve Garreth. He was devilishly handsome, extremely loyal... too loyal and was the most carefree spirit I had ever met. No matter what I did, I never upset him. He took everything in his stride.

"But, I really am sorry." I mumbled, closing my eyes against his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." He said, pulling me up before I could fall asleep.

He graciously walked me over to the stairs of the girls dormitories, stopping at the foot of them knowing if he walked up, we'd both be launched back down.

"Goodnight." He smiled, giving me a kiss, his arms wrapping around me in a hug.

"Goodnight." I replied between our kiss, breaking us apart and walking up the stairs.

I tried to sneak into our dormitory, but Natty was awake, the only light a dimly lit candle next to her bed.

"Where have you been? You weren't on Prefect duty tonight." Natty placed her book to the side, sitting up to look at me.

"Astronomy tower." I whispered.

"Hmm. Alright. Goodnight." Natty accepted my answer, extinguishing her candle, leaving me to risk casting Lumos and waking the rest of our dormmates.

I changed quickly to avoid annoying others with my illuminated wand and curled up into my bed, my eyes quickly closing.

They only stayed closed momentarily until I was awoken by a deep voice, shaking me awake gently.

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