nine - pensieve

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He'd spent the last year in the muggle world with his wand right there with Professor Sharp. He tried to turn himself in.

I felt sad. I felt grief for him. I felt guilty for how I had been treating him since his return.

I heard a knock at the door as Cressida popped her head through the door. As if this wasn't her dormitory too.

"Garreth is looking for you." she advised me.

"I don't feel well."

Cressida nodded softly and shut the door again.

I waited until Saturday night when most were out at Hogsmeade or doing some other degenerate activities and bravely decided I would attempt more of the pensieve memories tonight.

I threw a coat on over my pants and blouse, tossing the memories in my pocket and headed out. Luckily, Garreth had gone out with the boys again, he'd
come sent me an owl earlier letting me know.

I started to regret my choice as the gate to the Undercroft closed and I took step after step until I stood face to face with the basin.

"You can do this..." I muttered to myself.

I sifted through my pockets again, finding the one labelled with a 2 and emptied it's content into the swirling water below. It was too late to go back now.

Memory 2

"And, so we can find the meaning of x by calculating the..." a muggle teacher stood before him. It looked like a mathematics class. I remember these from when I used to attend muggle school. I attended one right up until I was 15 and moved over to Hogwarts.

Sebastian was paying close attention. I had never seen him so absorbed in a class before. Sure, he knew the basics of mathematics like most wizards who got a basic education before receiving their Hogwarts letter, but, this sort of advanced mathematics was entirely new to him. And he seemed to enjoy it. By the looks of his notes, he was also good at it.

I admired him in his uniform. It was quite similar to what we wore at Hogwarts, suit and vest with a tie but minus the robe. It was also entirely grey. Which disappointed me a little because I always thought the green complimented the brown of his eyes.

I watched snippets of his day at muggle school. It reminded me of home. Seeing Sebastian in my world was unusual but comforting. He attended maths, English, history, science and even French.

Something in my gut burned hearing him speak French. It was... hot.

He wrapped up his day and left the school, walking into the streets of London.

London. My home town. Where I lived and spend my summers. He was in London.


I was transported back in the Undercroft. This one was a little less jarring and I felt ready for more. I located vial 3 and poured it into the basin as I did before and bent down to view it.

Memory 3

This time, we were still at the school but we were outside. Sebastian sat next to a girl... a pretty girl. She had shoulder length brown hair, pretty blue eyes and a smattering of freckles on her face, less than Sebastian but more than me.

She fluttered her eyes at him, placing a hand on top of his. He let her do it. He looked at her with a look of admiration and leaned in and he kissed her. And she kissed him back. They kissed each other.

Why did I feel jealous? I knew he was forced to go away and I can't have expected him to wait for me forever. Hell, I'd even moved on with Garreth. But, knowing he chose this for me to see was making me clench my jaw.

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