seventeen - slytherin party*

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warning: mature content

I loved Saturday's. Being a night owl meant I appreciated a time I got to sleep in. It was 10am when my owl landed on my face. I'm not sure what the retched creature's issue was with its perch. The letter landed with a soft plop next to my head.

I groaned hard as my eyes struggled to adjust to the light and become unblurry enough to read the letter.

Morning Lars,

Let's catch up before the party tonight. I'll meet you in the Undercroft at 10:30.


Was my owl that slow? That was half an hour away and over the other side of the castle. With no time to shower myself, I rushed to the bathroom and ran a brush over my hair, leaving it down. I quickly brushed my teeth and popped on a light blue dress that buttoned down the entire front with slightly puffy sleeves. It was cute. It fell just under my knees.

"You look nice. Where are you off to this fine morning?" Natty asked me as I collected my wand and tucked it into the band wrapping around the waist of my dress.

"Oh, just for a walk." I straight up lied to her face.

"I'd love a walk! Mind if I join you?"

Ah, fuck.

"Actually... I was going to-"

"Oh... It's alright, Lara. I'll join you next time. Have fun." Natty winked at me.

She winked at me. She had to know. But, I didn't dwell on it and flicked her a small smile and darted out of the common room, breaking into a jog as I exited the fat lady portrait. I was so late.

When the rusty gate of the Undercroft shut behind me, I was greeted by the sight of a very casual looking Sebastian leaned against a pillar. Fuck me, he was handsome. He wore a plain white button up shirt with at least three of them undone. He paired the shirt with quite a tight pair of grey pants and his regular brown boots.

"How's the view?" he said, his eyes travelling from my eyes, down the length of my dress and back up again to lock our gazes again.

"Sorry." I said, walking closer to him as I hadn't realised I'd been staring.

"You're late." He said, tucking his pocket watch away and holding out his arms. I walked right into them and he pulled me close to him, resting his head on top of mine and planting a delicate kiss on my hair.

"Are you alright?" I spoke into his shirt.

"Yeah, fine. I missed you last night. How was practice?"

"I never thought I'd say I miss Garreth but Henry is a fucking awful captain."

I could tell my mentioning of Garreth made Sebastian uncomfortable, but he let out a small chuckle and invited me to elaborate.

"How so?" he said, sitting on the ground and inviting me to join him with a pat of the dusty floor.

"Well, he can't run a practice session even if his life depended on it. I basically coached myself. He also tried to turn the whole team on me, but I gave it back to him and knocked him down a few pegs." I said, tucking my dress under my legs and sitting against the same pillar.

"Atta girl. Don't let him push you around or I'll have something to say about it."

I wanted to scold him, but he laced his fingers between mine and rubbed his thumb gently across my hand, turning any thoughts I had into complete mush.

"You look gorgeous today, by the way." He said, lifting my hand and bringing it to his mouth, laying a delicate kiss on the top of my hand.

"This old thing?" I said, flicking the hem of my dress around.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now