fifty six - run away*

777 12 22

warning: mature content

We were inching closer to the date my parents had set for... well, let's be honest, their wedding. Sebastian and I had little to no say in anything and it was frankly annoying me incredibly.

While they were planning our day, we had been setting in stone our other plans. We'd found a quaint little home on the outskirts of London. It had two levels with three bedrooms and a little garden out the front. Sebastian had put down the deposit on it, and we were days away from moving in. We still planned on keeping Feldcroft, but this little home was just right for my studies and Sebastian's work. I'd also begun Mediwizard school, the first couple of years being theoretical study before I moved into on the field training. It was arduous and it was making my brain hurt, but I persisted every day.

On this particular day, I had a dress fitting scheduled with the modiste my mother had chosen for me. I met her at the store after finishing my classes.

"I've selected some lovely gowns for you!" my mother exclaimed with excitement.

We entered the shop, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as I looked at the dresses hanging on hooks. They were all puffy, adorned with hideous sleeves and massive long trains. I detested them all, but I obliged and tried on every single one.

"How about something less poofy and bedazzled?" I suggested, looking for a glimmer of hope.

The modiste agreed and brought out a few alternative options, although my mother scrunched up her nose in disapproval. Among the selection, there was one dress that caught my eye. It was a delicate white gown with intricate lace details. It had a light and airy feel, with flowy sleeves that dropped just below my elbows. No sparkles or excessive trains in sight. I instantly fell in love with it.

"Sure, it's a lovely gown, darling... but for a wedding?" my mother commented, clearly disapproving.

If there was anyone more stubborn than my future husband, it was my mother.

That evening, after we had moved into our new home, I complained to Sebastian about the dress, feeling frustrated and disappointed.

"It's bloody hideous! You're going to take one look at me and run away!" I exclaimed, lying on the mattress on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

Sebastian chuckled and sat down beside me. "Oh, come on. I'm sure it's not that bad. You could wear a potato sack, and I'd still marry you."

"I tell you what, I'd rather wear a potato sack." I retorted, half-serious.

We both laughed, basking in the surroundings of our new home and realising all these struggles and frustrations were going to be worth it.

"How was school?" He asked, his hand tickling down my arm to reach my fingers, lacing our hands together.

"It was alright, it's a lot of information to absorb. You know, I thought I'd be done with Potions forever once I left Hogwarts, but it's surprisingly a large part of this. We need to know how to brew a whole bunch of healing ones, half of them I've never ever heard of."

"Maybe you can ask Sharpy to tutor you. I'm sure he knows them." Sebastian suggested.

I laughed, though his suggestion was not awful. Sharp did say to keep in touch, though I'm not sure he meant for more classwork.

I rolled onto my stomach and brought my hand to his face.

"Can I say something utterly mad?" I said, my finger tracing down his face and tickling his slight stubble.

"Nothing has ever stopped you before. Go right ahead." He laughed.

"Let's run away." I said casually.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now