twenty eight - reinstated

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Sebastian's POV

"Morning Lars." I said, greeting my girlfriend with a kiss.

"Good morning, my love." she replied.

Ah. Love.

I sat down beside her and grabbed myself some toast to start the day. Jam would do.

"Did you know your dad took that photo?" I said, spreading the butter and jam onto the warm toast, feeling a bit nervous about her answer.

"I didn't. Mum seems to have clicked on but no one has said anything negative about it, besides Louis of course."

"Yeesh. You're so lucky they're so easy going. If I had a daughter, I'd be worried about leaving her unattended at a boarding school with a boyfriend as talented and handsome as me." I puffed out my chest as I spoke, looking as arrogant as possible.

"Oh, shush. They probably think it's some innocent little thing."

"But we're anything but innocent... if only they knew-"


She hit me across the arm.

"They don't know and I'd prefer if the whole school didn't either." she whispered angrily through gritted teeth.

"God, I love it when you're mad." I grinned.

I pulled her face towards me and laid the biggest, wettest, sloppiest kiss on her that she didn't really reciprocate. Hardly shocking.

"You're so frustrating." she pulled away, making another attempt to eat her meal.

"But, you love it." I jested.

"Unfortunately." she said angrily but I swore I saw a smile on her face. It was faint but it was there.

We separated shortly after to attend our classes for the day, unfortunately not having any together until after lunch which made the morning drag. I loved having her there to keep me in line. No one else did.

Lara's POV

Petey flew by me at the Slytherin table at lunch, missing me completely before doubling back and nose diving straight into my plate.

"Something is severely wrong with your owl. Did I tell you he woke me up last night by landing directly on my chest?" Sebastian said.

I laughed. "He does that to me too. He has an aversion to the perch for some reason."

I moved the envelope from his mouth and picked the bits of food out from under his wings before letting him fly off again.

The letter had familiar handwriting. The messy scrawl almost illegible.

'G. Weasley.'

Oh, shit.

I shifted to face away from Sebastian slightly.

"Who's it from?" he asked, not really paying it much attention.

"Uh... Louis."

"Probably to tell you off again." Sebastian chuckled, remembering the fight we got into at his house for our out-of-wedlock activities.

Sebastian diverted his attention back to his lunch and I opened the letter.


Urgent meeting Quidditch pitch after last period.


I folded the letter up and stuffed it in my robe pocket quickly, hoping no one pressed me further. Why is Garreth sending me letters?

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now