thirty eight - anne's letters

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I woke up startled in a strange room but in familiar arms. I tried to roll away from Sebastian's grasp, but instead fell off the bed that I had believed to be bigger than it was and onto the hard, cold floor below with a loud thump.

"Oh, shit, are you alright?" Sebastian's sleepy voice called out as he leaned over the side of the bed to help me up by lifting me up by the arm.

"Yeah. Fine." I grunted, lifting myself up off the floor and sitting on the end of the bed. "What's the time?"

"3:30am." Sebastian said with a croak in his voice as he casted Lumos quietly and looked at his watch on his wrist.

"Urgh... I should probably go back to my own common room."

"Probably... but do you want to?"

I could sense him smiling but I couldn't see with it being so damn dark.

"I... no." I said, pulling myself to a standing position.

"Then come back here."

"I don't know..."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, either get back into his bed or go back to your own!" Ominis groaned from the bed directly next to Sebastian.

"Sorry, Ominis."

"Sorry, Ominis." We both chimed in unison in the same sleepy tone.

I stifled my laughter to save disturbing Ominis or the other two people sleeping away peacefully in the room further and decided I'd just sneak out in the morning. It was awfully cold in this common room anyway.

I snuggled back up to Sebastian and closed my eyes, listening to the sweet sounds of his chest rising and falling and I managed to do the same myself.

When I awoke again, it was morning. I was startled by the sounds of Ominis shuffling around, trying to locate his wand so he could start his day.

It was Sunday. It meant Sebastian and I didn't really have to get up and rush anywhere but then I realised that perhaps sneaking out at 3:30am was probably a better option that sneaking out in broad daylight still in my disgusting, sweaty Quidditch uniform from yesterday.

"Good morning. Again." Sebastian drowsily spoke, rolling onto his back and stretching his hands above his head.

"Shhh! We don't need everyone to know I'm still here..."

"Oh, I think they all know." Ominis interrupted us. "Can someone help me find my blasted wand?"

"Ah, certainly." Sebastian said, springing to action and passing the wand that had dropped onto the floor from his bedside table during the night before drawing his attention back to me. "I was thinking we could head to the Room of Requirement soon, I do have a bit of work to do."

"I was thinking I could possibly return to my common room and shower myself first. I feel disgusting."

Sebastian flicked up an eyebrow, waiting for me to click on to what he was suggesting.

"Oh. Right. Yes, let's go to the Room of Requirement."


"Because the both of you leaving our common room together both still in your Quidditch uniforms isn't suspicious at all."

"Yes, thank you, Ominis. I think no matter what we do it's going to be suspicious." Sebastian said, with a tone in his voice that suggested that was very obvious.

We swiftly left the dormitory, not bothering to delay the inevitable anymore. I headed down the stairs to the main area and almost ran into Imelda, who was looking flustered as she walked around in her pyjamas.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now