thirty six - birthday*

829 14 31

warning: mature content

Sebastian's POV

May. Lara's birthday month. She was finally going to be eighteen, like me. I did like to poke fun at her that I was an adult and she wasn't. But that was coming to an end.

I wanted to do something special for her. I'd never celebrated her birthday with her before due to my stupidity and ignorance in the past so I really wanted to make her eighteenth special.

"Ominis, what do you get your girlfriend for an important birthday?" I asked him at the lunch table.

"Knowing you both, a bed and some silencing charms will do." He smirked.

"I'm serious, Ominis! I want to make it special for her, it's the first birthday I've ever had to celebrate with her and given we will all be here, I figured I should do something."

"I'm probably not the best person to ask, Sebastian. You know I hate these sorts of things. Perhaps try and catch Poppy."

And as if her ears were burning, Poppy appeared. She took a cozy seat next to Ominis and greeted him with a hand on his shoulder to let him know she was there and a sloppy kiss on the mouth that had me scrunching my nose up in disgust.

"Oh, stop, Sebastian. I can feel your repulsed facial expressions from here. Now you know how we've all felt." Ominis scoffed.

I refrained from answering and let the happy couple continue their greeting, picking at my food instead.

"Sebastian did just ask me something that I feel you might be able to help him with, Pops."

Ugh... the pet names...

"Oh? What can I help you with?" She looked at me, finally prying her eyes from Ominis.

"Lara's birthday is this month and I want to plan something nice for her, get her a special gift or something. She's had a bit of a rough time lately."

"I thought you'd be the gift." Poppy giggled.

Ominis joined in on the laughter and I found myself screwing my nose up again.

"Yeah, he could just put a ribbon around himself and lay naked waiting for her." Ominis thought he was soooo hilarious.

They roared in fits of laughter which I did not find quite as amusing.

"Well, thank you for being entirely unhelpful. Maybe I'll ask Natty." I said, smacking my hands down on the table as I stood up to leave.

"Oh, Sebastian, I'm sorry. Sit down, I'll help you." Poppy backtracked.

I sat back down in a huff and placed my chin in my hand, using my elbow for support.

"She's not one for a big song and dance, but maybe we could just plan a nice gathering at The Three Broomsticks? Invite some of our friends for a few drinks. Then maybe you can do something with her yourself afterwards." Poppy said.

"Hm, I like that. I'll get on it. Now, what about gifts?" I did have some ideas... but I'd already blown the jewellery budget at Christmas time.

"See, that's tough. She comes from a family where she can really get anything she wants or needs so it needs to be something special. Something from the heart."

I pondered Poppy's words for a moment and she was right. Meaningless material possessions weren't something Lara particularly cared for or needed. So I had to be creative.

"Alright. That's been really helpful Poppy. I'll let you know what I've got planned."

I immediately left my seat when Ominis called after me.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now