seven - teams

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Sebastian's POV

My first week at Hogwarts was almost complete and it was full of utter chaos. I had this little 6th year Hufflepuff girl, Violet, chasing me around whenever she got the chance and she was quite frankly getting on my nerves.

I had tried, and failed, to make amends with Lara. I understood completely why she didn't want anything to do with me, but I wish she wasn't so hostile. Maybe if she just politely told me to fuck off, I'd cope better. But this ignoring me business was making me want to speak to her more, get her to change her mind. I know it wasn't healthy, but everything in my soul missed her so much.

This morning I saw her in the Great Hall. She looked awful, like she hadn't slept at all. To be fair to her, I didn't either. I know she saw me bursting into the hall only half dressed just to make sure I ate before classes. I observed her behaviour with Weasley while they ate. I felt strange for staring, but I just wanted to know if she was happy. As happy as I thought she was with me before I fucked everything up.

Ominis was coming around to the idea of my presence again. We were definitely not as close as before, but he had told me that time heals all wounds, so maybe one day he'd begin to trust me again.

He also saw me in the depths of despair, not knowing what I was doing or what my purpose was. I knew I was here to graduate, but other than that I had no idea what my life was going to become and frankly, I didn't care. I had nothing to live for anymore.

"I heard Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow." Ominis told me from a lounge chair in the common room as his wand scanned over the Daily Prophet from this morning.

"Since when have you cared about Quidditch?" I almost laughed at his remark.

"I don't. But, maybe you should."


"Try out."

"Ominis, you know I despise flying."

"Yes, but you are good at it. Maybe it's time to get over your stubborn little fear and try out for the team."

Ominis was right. He was always right. Even when I didn't want him to be and I was being stubborn. He was right about Anne and he was right about this. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

"Alright, fine. I'll try out. No guarantees though, Ominis."

"Good." Ominis muttered, his wand beginning to sift through the newspaper again.

I woke up early the next day, begrudgingly I might add, to go down to the Quidditch trials like Ominis said. I borrowed a spare kit from Imelda, luckily it wasn't hers so I wasn't walking around with her name plastered across my back, it was a kit from an old student.

It was bloody freezing walking to the pitch, making me regret even agreeing to this at all. As we all met, Imelda started yelling at us all about something, I'm not sure, I didn't pay attention because I frankly didn't care.

"And don't worry about over there, bloody Black screwed up the schedule, so we have to share the pitch with Gryffindor this morning... unfortunately." She said, pointing across the pitch at the sea of red and gold.

Imelda ran her trials by making each person go up and show their skills one by one. I found it odd. How was she going to know how good we were at Quidditch when we weren't even playing Quidditch?

"Alright. Sallow?"

I mounted my broom and sat in front of her.


"I don't know." I casually said.

"What do you mean, you don't know? Everyone has a preferred position." Imelda scoffed right back at me.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now