fifty nine - the nine months

746 14 23

Month 4

"Merlin, what a day..." I exclaimed, collapsing onto the lounge in exhaustion.

"Well, I have bad news. Ominis has invited us to dinner at the Leaky Cauldron. Not sure how I feel about going back to work after I've already finished for the day, but I suppose we should go. We haven't seen him in a while." Sebastian sighed, also joining me on the lounge with a thud.

I groaned loudly, dreading the thought of going out again. All I wanted was a night of relaxation. My fatigue was overwhelming, making it difficult to concentrate at medical school. I wondered how I would manage once the baby arrived if I couldn't even handle it while pregnant.

Reluctantly, we dragged ourselves up from the lounge, donned our coats and boots, and prepared to leave for dinner.

The evening air had grown cooler, but Sebastian's warmth as he pulled me close while we walked to the bustling Leaky Cauldron made me appreciate his presence. Shedding our coats at the door, we instantly felt the comforting heat of the roaring fire inside.

Sebastian, being taller than most in the pub, scanned the room and spotted Ominis with his silver locks at a table towards the back. He took my hand and led me through the lively crowd until we reached him, only to realise that Ominis was sitting with Poppy.

"Hello, you two. Surprised to see you both here. I thought it was just going to be Ominis." Sebastian said, pulling out a chair for me and sliding it in once I had taken my seat before settling next to me.

"Hello, Sebastian. I know it's probably a bit confusing, but we promise it's a good thing." Ominis said, his arm pulling Poppy closer to him.

I couldn't help but smirk because I knew the secret they were about to reveal. I had kept my promise to Ominis and hadn't breathed a word about it to Sebastian, even when he practically begged me to spill the beans after the wedding, despite my unconvincing denials.

Sebastian shot me a glance before turning his attention back to our two best friends. "So, are we going to sit here in silence, or are you going to tell me?"

"Well, we've actually decided to get back together." Ominis announced, beaming as he pulled Poppy closer again.

I let out a little squeak of delight and squeezed Sebastian's thigh under the table.

"But, I thought you couldn't work because of your firm stance on your family name, Ominis?" Sebastian asked, visibly confused.

"Well, when two people are meant to be, you find a compromise." Ominis explained, radiating joy. It was almost sickly how sweet they were.

"And it's a good thing we found the compromise too because... I'm pregnant." Poppy added, her voice filled with excitement.

Both Sebastian and I were stunned, our mouths hanging open in shock. While I knew they were likely to tell us officially about their relationship, we hadn't expected this when we were invited to dinner.

"Oh, pick up your jaws, you two. I believe you have a secret too." Ominis teased.

Snapping out of my daze, I knocked Sebastian's mouth closed with my hand. He looked at me, and Poppy turned her attention to Ominis, waiting eagerly to hear our news.

"Tell them." I urged Sebastian.

He seemed overwhelmed and bewildered by everything happening at once. "I... I... I can't."

"You can," I reassured him. "He's your best friend."

Sebastian let out a heavy sigh. "L... Lara's pregnant too."

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now