fifty eight - the wedding

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"You look absolutely breathtaking," my mother whispered with tears in her eyes as she delicately fastened the veil into my hair.

"Do I really have to wear this?" I grumbled, wincing as the clips pinched my scalp.

"Yes, darling! It's a family tradition. Your grandmother and I both wore it on our wedding days." she explained.

I despised how I looked and felt in the extravagant gown. The glittery fabric seemed excessive, and the train dragged on for what felt like miles.

I stood in front of the mirror and felt like crying. Not because I was marrying the man of my dreams. But because I was marrying him looking like this.

My mother left me alone to go and sort herself out before the church ceremony began.

"Here." I heard someone call.


My hero.

My lord and saviour.

She took the veil off and undid my hair from its updo, letting my waves curl down my back. She collected a few pieces from the front of my hair and pulled it back, pinning it in place with the Astronomy pin of Canis Major Sebastian had given me. I had never thought of wearing it that way and it made me tear up. She slipped the clip of the veil under the pin, making it look like less of a statement piece.

Though I still despised the dress, I felt much more like myself.

"I fucking love you." I told Cecilia, peppering kisses all over her face.

"Who doesn't? Now come on, let's not keep him waiting too long."

I smiled and held Cecilia's hand as she led me to the door, the church only a street away.

As if the nerves of the wedding day and the prying eyes of strangers on the street watching me as I walked wasn't enough, I had to fight back the waves of nausea from carrying the secret unborn child no one was allowed to know about.

"Are you alright?" Cecilia asked, concerned, as we approached the church doors after a short walk.

"I'm fine, just nervous." I replied, my breath quivering.

"Remember to breathe." she gently reminded me.

She guided me to my father, who awaited me with tears welling in his own eyes. He enveloped me in a tight hug, squeezing a little too hard, causing a small squeak to escape me.

"Sorry sweetheart, you look beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous." He said, wiping a stray tear with his knuckle. "Let's get you married."

I feel guilty knowing I already was, but nodded and let my father have his moment. I looped my arm in his and I entered the doors. My eyes were immediately drawn to the guests who had all turned to look at me. On my side, a bucket load of family and people I didn't even know, assuming they were possibly randoms off the street my mother had roped in to attending just because she could.

On Sebastian's side, I was met with the sight of everyone dear to us. Ominis and Poppy sat at the front, Professor Sharp beside them. To my shock, he had Professor Weasley with him. There was even more old school friends, Imelda, Natty, Cressida, Nellie...

And then, I saw him.

My Sebastian.

Dressed in a sleek black suit with a matching bow tie, his hair neatly styled back. He was the epitome of handsomeness.

As he turned around to catch sight of me, his jaw almost hit the floor. I could see the glistening in his eyes, brimming with tears, as I slowly walked towards him. A radiant smile spread across my face, matching his own.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now