forty four - sorry

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"There's nothing we can do right now. They have forbidden us! It's a death wish, Sebastian." Ominis whispered loudly as we sat in the corner of the library.

"What do they expect us to do? You agreed yourself that something doesn't sound right about this. Why are they just letting him walk about Scotland?" Sebastian argued back.

"Will you two shut up? You're going to get us kicked out!" I hissed, damn near close to slamming my textbook over both of their heads.

"Sebastian, we will talk about this tonight in the dormitory. Don't think I'll forget. Lara, dear, make sure he stays put."

"Alright, Ominis." I said.

In a huff, Ominis collected his books and left us both in the library.

It had been two days since we spoke in the Undercroft and this was the first time we were alone together since.

"You don't have to obey him like a dog, you know?" Sebastian said, reopening his book to what he was studying.

"I don't!" I snapped back.

He drew his eyes from his book and cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Sebastian! I don't!"

He chuckled and brought his attention back to his book. We sat silently studying for a moment more before he spoke again.

"I'm giving him one week." He said, nose in his book.

"Hm?" I said, his quiet statement shocking me a little.

"Ominis. He has one week. If he hasn't come up with some sort of plan by then, I'm going after him myself. I don't care about the stupid prophecy or the bond."

"But what about the risks, Sebastian?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "Harlow is a powerful wizard, no doubt more powerful than before. We need to be prepared rather than just charging in like we usually do."

Sebastian closed his book and turned to face me. "I know the risks, Lara. But sitting here, waiting for someone else to come up with a plan, it's driving me insane. We need to take action, and if that means taking matters into our own hands, then so be it."

I sighed, knowing deep down that he was right. We couldn't afford to wait for Ominis to come up with a plan while the threat of Harlow loomed over me.

"Okay," I said. "But we can't just rush into this blindly."

Sebastian nodded. "Agreed. But we need somewhere to plan, we need a place where we can focus without distractions."

I thought for a moment before an idea sparked in my mind. "What about Feldcroft?"

"We could go there tonight, it's Friday so we have all weekend to prepare."

"Won't Ominis be suspicious when you aren't around the common room for three days?"

"Leave him to me. I'll meet you at the North exit Floo Flame before dinner." Sebastian said, closing his books and scooping them up before leaving the library in a hurry.

I couldn't focus on my studies any longer, my mind consumed with thoughts of going behind Ominis' back again. It was oddly reminiscent of our fifth year, but I knew I had to be prepared. I left the library and spent the afternoon gathering supplies, packing my bag with potions, food and books before letting Natty know I was going away for the weekend... though I did say I was going to be in London, not Feldcroft with Sebastian.

By the time evening arrived, I made my way to the North exit Floo Flame, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Sebastian was already there, waiting for me.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now