forty two - hair cut*

673 13 31

warning: mature content

Herbology was slightly awkward and tense as Sebastian took his regular spot he'd had at the planter next to me before he left abruptly. There were whispers all around about his re-emergence and his lack of communication with me. Though we'd broken up, it wasn't really common knowledge because no one witnessed our now awkward interactions.

Today we were working with dittany seeds... again. "To refresh your memories!" Professor Garlick had said.

I grabbed my seeds, planted, watered, watched them grow as I had done numerous times before. Until I heard a rather heavy sigh beside me. I turned to my right to see Sebastian attempting to crouch lower and his uneven, self-given haircut was getting in his way. He hadn't cut the front enough so as he bent down to put the seeds in the soil, it was falling into his eyes.

"I can fix that for you." I suggested, still keeping my eyes firmly on the dittany seeds in front of me.

"What?" Sebastian said, standing straight and trying to blow the hair out of his face again.

"Your hair. I can fix it for you." I placed my seeds down and looked at him with one hand on my hip.

"What's wrong with it how it is?"

I looked at him and opened my eyes a little wider, not even needing to say a word to get my point across.

"Alright, fine. After the meeting with Sharp I shall allow you to attack my hair with scissors. For some reason..."

I could see Ominis snickering to himself as he heard our first genuinely nice interaction in months.

The three of us headed to Sharps office in silence after class, walking quickly so we didn't miss all of lunch and the chance to watch me hack at Sebastian's hair with scissors. We let Sebastian enter first and knock on his office door to make sure he didn't turn away and run. Ominis and I had some sort of unspoken agreement that we'd have eyes on Sebastian at all times, which ended up being poor Ominis a lot of the time.

"Thank you for coming. I'm sure you read the front page of the Daily Prophet this morning."

"Yes Professor" All three of us chimed together.

"Good. So you know word has gotten out about Harlow. I don't think it would be wise to be chasing after a wanted criminal. I would highly recommend we stay put and let the authorities handle it. You won't be harmed here in Hogwarts, Miss Radley, and you've got the bond on you now."

"Yes, Professor." I replied.

It wasn't high on my priority list to be seeking out a wanted criminal and I was more than happy to stay put. Surely he'd be recaptured before I graduated soon. But, the stubborn and excruciating painful man beside me let out a deep sigh.

"That goes for you too, Mr. Sallow."

Oof. When Sharp used our last names, we knew he meant business.

"If we are all in agreeance then you are all excused." Sharp said, burying his head back into his work.

"Oh, and do something about that hair, Sebastian. It is awful." He called from behind us as we left.

"Right. Undercroft. Now. I hope you've got scissors in that enchanted bag of yours." Sebastian said with a huff, marching ahead of both Ominis and I.

I stifled my laughter to not make him change his mind and linked my arm with Ominis' to get him to catch up.

Sebastian entered first and went straight to a chair pushed in to a desk and pulled it out and carried it to the middle of the room.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now