fifty - a lonely graduation

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I managed to get an excuse for the rest of my N.E.W.T exams from Sharp that very same day. I would resit them later. I couldn't possibly sit through another exam in my constant hysterical state.

After I left Professor Sharp's office, I ran straight to the Undercroft and started blowing shit to pieces. And when I ran out of barrels, I conjured more and blew them to fucking pieces too. I blasted every god damn barrel, table, box with confringo, bombarda, every spell I knew would make a noise as loud as my head was feeling. I screamed as I unleashed every ounce of energy into some poor piece of wood that probably didn't deserve it. Tears poured down my face, so much so I couldn't see what I was blasting through the bleariness.


I didn't even hear the door to the Undercroft open.

I was fucking grateful Ominis was blind right now so he couldn't see what I'd done to it.

I dropped my wand to the floor and ran straight to him, throwing myself into his arms which completely caught him off guard. It took him a few moments to reciprocate my hug, but he held me close and tightly like I so desperately needed in that moment. I sobbed hard into his chest, no doubt soiling his crisp white shirt.

"I heard about what happened. They just took him?" He said into my hair as my chin rested on my head.

I couldn't bring myself to speak and just nodded.

"I'm so sorry, Lara. I know we thought it would be alright... it may still be..."

"Who knows when he'll be given a trial, Ominis?" I choked out, pulling away from him. "They don't take kindly to murderers. They'll let him suffer and die before he's given a trial!"

I could see Ominis wanted to comfort me, but there was no words to say. He knew I was right, a trial could take years and he may have already been driven to madness then.

With a heavy silence hanging between us, I retreated to a corner piled with pillows and blankets that Sebastian and I had used. Collapsing into the softness, I allowed my sorrow to consume me, crying uncontrollably. If I focused hard enough, I could still catch his scent lingering on the pillow. Ominis joined me, and we spent the entire night grieving together.

By dawn, I knew I couldn't stay here forever. I had to do something to guarantee his freedom. And quickly.

Unfortunately, the morning had already unveiled the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, and students were clutching it in their hands as I walked through the halls. They pointed, stared, and whispered as I passed by, the weight of judgment bearing down on me.

I approached Natty in the Great Hall and snatched the paper from her hands.

There he was. My Sebastian. Plastered on the front of the newspaper. Written as a cold-blooded killer with no remorse for anyone or anything. Painted as a Dark Wizard who stalked the halls of Hogwarts with the students none the wiser. His intake picture was printed on the front along with large, bold writing above it.

A criminal within the Hogwarts walls.

I felt my breathing get faster and faster as the walls of anxiety closed in on me. I scrunched the paper up and threw it behind me, throwing my head into my hands as I began to pant, unable to take in any air.

"Lara... Lara, it's alright..." Natty tried to assure me, running a hand up my back.

"No! It's not! He is none of those things! Why isn't anyone writing about how Harlow cast the killing curse too? This is completely fucked! Everyone looks at me like I'm insane for loving someone they deem a criminal but he's not! He saved my life... I... I can't... do this." I stood up quickly and left the Great Hall, retreating to the common room.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now