four - old friends

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"Lara?" I heard a voice call as they leaned against the wall outside the potions classroom upon my exit.

"Shit!" I jumped so high, I nearly breached the ceiling above, not expecting anyone to be standing so close to the door, let alone calling me. I clutched at my chest as I turned to see Ominis Gaunt's vacant gaze in my general direction.

"Fucking hell, Ominis, you'll give me a heart attack." I said, panting as my heart returned to a more acceptable rhythm.

"I apologise, Lara."

"How did you know it was me?"

"You walk practically on the tips of your toes. Your steps are delicate."

"Right..." I never took much thought into the way people walked, but I suppose you learn to compensate for your lack of vision when you're blind.

"I was hoping I'd be able to have a chat with you."

"Of course, Ominis."


"Oh... uh, certainly."


Ominis began to walk away and I assumed I had to follow him. I ended up passing Garreth who had been waiting for me further up the hall and gave him a quick look and mouthed 'sorry' at him.

I was lucky Garreth was relatively easy going. He smiled at me and nodded and yelled back at me "I'll see you in the common room!" before turning and leaving towards the Gryffindor tower. Ugh. I didn't deserve him.

I had a gut feeling I knew where Ominis was taking me. With each step, I knew in my soul he was leading me into the Undercroft and I was correct. I prayed to whatever religious entity would listen that Sebastian was not in there.

The rusty gate lifted open, it honestly shocked me that no one else ever knew about the Undercroft. It was so damn loud.

I inhaled deeply and held my breath as I crossed the threshold into the Undercroft. I felt a wave of anxious feelings sweep across my chest, tightening each muscle and my esophagus as it passed. I hadn't stepped foot in the Undercroft since the day I convinced Ominis not to turn Sebastian in to the authorities.

It looked exactly how I remembered it. Boxes, barrels, old pieces of furniture and... the completed triptych.

My chest rattled as I inhaled the dusty, stale air, shuddering at the familiarity of the room.

"I'm sorry I brought you here, Lara. It's the only place I was certain we'd be alone." Ominis said, guiding his way to a barrel to sit on top of.

I followed him and sat on top of a rickety, old desk. I did think perhaps it wasn't the best choice of seating as I felt it may have collapsed at any moment, but I felt awkward moving spots again so I just stayed completely still..

"I understand." I replied.

"How have you been, Lara? I understand you'd been having a difficult time."

I was very appreciative of Ominis Gaunt. He had the patience of a Saint. He had every reason to be mad with me. I pushed him away when I was feeling depressed. I ignored his letters. What gave me the most guilt was knowing Ominis was grieving too. He'd lost his best friend. He'd lost Anne. The only real family he had. And I pushed him away too. But Ominis never held that against me.

"I've been doing well."

"I have heard you've been spending lots of time with Garreth Weasley."

"Uh, yeah. I guess you could say that."

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now