sixty four - epilogue*

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warning: mature content

Five years later

"Quick! We can't be late, we'll lose our seats!" I called out to our kids.

"But dad, Oliver can't find his shoes!" Charlotte called back to me.

"They're at the door, mate." I groaned, holding the front door open, waiting eagerly to leave.


I heard the pitter-patter of Oliver's feet come bounding down the stairs as Charlotte stood next to me tapping her foot with impatience.

With Oliver's boots finally on, I helped them slip on their coats and we left the home, ready to get onto the train at Kings Cross. We boarded just in time and started the long journey out to Scotland for the Quidditch World Cup.

"Will we get to see mummy before the game?" Oliver asked me.

"I'm not sure." I replied.

"Will we get to see mummy during the game?" Charlotte followed up Oliver's question with another question.

"Only if someone gets hurt."

"Will we get to see mummy after the game?" Oliver asked.

"Do you both preplan this or something? I really don't know. I'm certain we will get to see her after."

I always thought having two kids so close in age, they'd fight like Anne and I used to. But not my kids. No, they fought with me.

The train ride was long and arduous, Lottie spent most of her time drawing. It seemed she got her artistic talent from her mother as even at 6 years old, she was drawing the Scottish Highlands passing by the windows with accuracy and ease. Oliver, on the other hand, he was reading to himself quietly.

I loved watching my children grow up, seeing who they were becoming. While Charlotte looks like she could have been my twin, she was her mother through and through. I adored her fighting spirit, her intelligence and her artistic qualities. She was kind, gentle.

Ollie, on the other hand. He was going to give me a run for my money. He was intelligent too. But he was confident. I saw myself in him and I was suddenly feeling sympathy for anyone who ever had the task of having me in their care throughout my life.

Together, my kids were a force to be reckoned with. They were polar opposites and used it to their advantage to create one unstoppable force. Particularly when it came to manipulating me to do what they want. Which, naturally I caved, they were bloody cute, who could say no?

We made it to Scotland unscathed, though my pockets much lighter after being conned into buying them all sorts of sweets from the cart doing the rounds.

We made our way up to the small cottage Lara had been staying in for the Quidditch World Cup so far.

And it was just our luck that Lara was in there already.

"Mummy!" Our two children called out in unison, rushing up to their mother and almost tackling her to the floor. She'd been gone for two weeks now and I was starting to feel the brunt of single parenting, I really sympathised with Lara and all the times I'd been gone for months raiding tombs and other places for relics and treasures.

"Hello, darling." I said, stepping over our children who were clinging to her legs, arguing over who was going to kiss her first. "You both lose, I'm going to kiss mum first."

I grabbed her around the back of the neck and pulled her in close, laying a kiss on her mouth. I almost forgot our kids were there, getting caught up in my beautiful wife until I heard a symphonic "ewwww!" from the two small creatures at my feet.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now