sixty one - seb the cursebreaker*

669 11 11

warning: mature content

"And that is how we apply the essence of dittany on a wide-spread injury..." The lecturer at school babbled on and on about shit I'd learned at Hogwarts.

I wish I knew diverting my studies for 4 months meant I'd be playing catch up with useless knowledge.

Adding to the mundaneness of class content, Lottie was having a rough time with sleep lately and was keeping both Sebastian and I up most of the night so I was having trouble staying awake every day.

When class finally dwindled to a close and we were excused, I dragged my weary feet home, begrudgingly throwing open the door only to be passed my infant by my frantic husband.

"Sorry, my love, I have to go. I'm already late." Sebastian said, giving me a passing kiss on the head as he ran out the door for work.

While our new schedules worked in theory, it left us no time to really be together. Sebastian had taken up permanent evening shifts at the pub so he could have Lottie during the day while I was at medical school and I'd do the nights until he got home. It worked, for the most part, but we were now having to pay for a wet nurse during the day for Lottie while I wasn't around and Sebastian's wage wasn't really cutting it anymore. We were stressed. The money left to him that had been significantly dwindled down thanks to Solomon had all but run dry after buying the house and all the things we needed for Lottie, Sebastian's resentments towards his uncle growing again as he struggled to make ends meet. I had considered dropping out of school completely and just taking up work at the pub too but Sebastian refused. "One of us should be educated." He said.

This particular night, Charlotte was quite unsettled. She needed sleep and so did I, but much like myself, she wouldn't succumb to it.

"Come on baby girl, I know you're tired... come on..." I chanted again and again, rocking her back and forth in her room while she screamed at me.

I was quickly losing my patience in my sleep deprived state, sobbing along side her as we rocked.

Sebastian couldn't come home quick enough. He luckily he came through the door just as I was beginning to feel myself lose it.

"Hey, hey... shhh... come here." He whispered, taking a screaming Charlotte from me and pulled my head into his chest. "I'll take her, go and have a bath and relax for a little while, alright?"

I nodded through sobs and walked myself to the bathroom, drawing myself a warm bath and sinking my tired, exhausted body into it. I could hear Charlotte's cries cease as the sounds of Sebastian's muffled singing voice soothed her, humming gentle lullabies. Though I was still crying, I now had a smile on my face. I closed my eyes, allowing the water to soothe me into a well-needed sleep.


Sebastian's soft voice woke me up at a time I didn't even know. All I knew was the water was now cold.

"She's asleep. Come on, let's go to bed."

He helped drag my weary body out of the tub, wrapping me in a towel and taking me to our bed. He ran his hands through my wet hair, talking to me softly as my eyes closed.

"I'm going for a new job." He whispered into my ear.

"Hm?" I opened my eyes, staring at him. "What new job?"

"Ominis told me they are desperate for curse breakers at the Ministry. So much so, they're willing to overlook me not finishing my N.E.W.Ts and take my life experience, knowledge of all types of curses and magic, dark and non-dark and the skills in got doing muggle mathematics." He explained.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now