fifteen - bubotuber pus*

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warning: mature content

I was woken up the next morning by my owl sitting firmly atop my chest, holding a letter in it's mouth.

"Oh... just drop it on the perch..." I groaned, taking the letter and internally cursing the retched thing.

I opened it to find a letter from... Professor Weasley. Fuck.

Miss Radley,

Please come and see me before breakfast.

Professor Weasley.

When she was short and sharp like that, it meant trouble. That fucking poltergeist.

I ditched Natty, leaving her in Cressida's capable hands for the morning while I went to my ever so important meeting with good old Matilda, presumably to get my ass smacked for fraternising with boys... and on prefect duty. Scandalous little thing, I was.

She was sitting looking as intimidating as ever, writing something at her desk when I arrived in her classroom.

"Miss Radley. Come in."

I slowly approached her desk, hoping that a pit would open up in the classroom floor and eat me up to avoid the conversation I was about to have.

"You wrote, Professor?"

"I did. Unfortunately, Peeves informed me of some unsavoury activities occurring during your hall duties last night."

I stared at her, unsure of what to say.

"I've already had Mr. Sallow in this morning, so there's no use trying to lie or make excuses. These kinds of activities are forbidden amongst the castle walls. And I would think you'd prefer to be focused on your studies given it is your final year at the school. Please, don't make me relieve you of your prefect entitlements. Your potential is remarkable. Take this as a first and final warning."

"Yes, Professor." I said.

I thought she was scary before but this felt like being caught in the act by my own mother.

"You are dismissed."

I left her classroom feeling like I'd just been giving a death sentence. Oh my god, was she intimidating. Plus, I'm sure she knew I was dating her nephew not too long ago. I prayed and prayed she wouldn't tell him. Sebastian and I weren't even together.

"She got you too, huh?"

I jumped, almost tripping down the steps out of the classroom.

"For fucks sake, Sebastian! Stop sneaking up on me!"

"Sorry, it's too easy." He laughed, sliding ever so slightly closer to me.

"Don't get too close, she'll hex us." I said, stepping away to maintain distance and waving my arm in the general direction of the transfiguration classroom.

"You're right. We'll have to find more discreet places next time, won't we?"

Oh, Merlin. His way with words were sending me into a spin. Every time I was close to him, my body yearned for more. It craved his touch, his warm, his body pressed against mine.

"Maybe. Anyway, I need to eat. I'm starving and I told Natty I'd meet her." I distracted myself from my thoughts by giving myself some space away from him.

"Fair enough. See you in class."

Before I could react, he snuck a kiss on my cheek, turning my face bright red. Thank god it was early because I would have smacked him if anyone had even a slight chance of witnessing that.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now