twenty seven - love

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"I sure didn't miss waking up to you." I said to my little brown owl, Petey, sitting on my chest with a letter in its mouth.

As soon as he saw my eyes open, he dropped the letter on my face and went back to his cosy perch.

I rubbed my eyes with the back of the hand, reading the front that said 'January 5th 1894. The Sallow Times: First Edition'


I laughed as I ripped the wax seal off it and opened the parchment that detailed each moment of the conversation Sebastian must have had with Ominis last night.


I'm afraid our Ominis is a very tough nut to crack. You might have to press on with Poppy.

He did, however, share with me that he has kissed her. No other word on anything else.

I'll be outside near the water fountain near the Quidditch class if you'd like to discuss our next moves at lunch.


Since when was Sebastian so into gossip?

I was, however, very excited to see him outside at lunch. Prying eyes in the Great Hall were rather annoying.

"Owls already?" Natty had piped up from the bed directly opposite mine.

"Shhh." I whispered, scrunching the paper and throwing it under my pillow.

"From Sebastian no doubt." Cressida called from her bed.

"I heard they were spotted kissing yesterday outside potions." Nellie interjected.

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" I groaned. I truly sympathised with Ominis right now.

Natty stood next to me at a sink later on as I brushed my teeth, ready for breakfast.

"Don't take any notice of those two. Take it as a compliment that your relationship is the most exciting thing in their lives."

"Thanks Natty." I mumbled through a mouth full of foam.

"I will ask though, is it true what they said?"

I spat out the toothpaste and inhaled deeply, laying a hand to rest on the sink.

"Yes. I kissed him outside potions. He's asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted. So, it's not going to be unusual."

"Oh! Lara! How exciting. I can sense he's changed. I hope he doesn't take you for granted again."

"I'm sure he won't, Natty. And thank you."

I wasn't entire sure how to take that comment. I had realised Sebastian had sort of taken advantage of me before, in our fifth year. He saw my potential and lulled me into a friendship. While he did help me with finding the triptych and fighting Ranrok, it seemed it always came with an ultimatum and that's part of the reason why he left.

But, he seems different. He's grown up. And as awful as it is to say, without having Anne around as an excuse for his behaviour, he seemed to be taking more accountability for his actions and acting a little more responsibly.

I missed Sebastian at breakfast though he didn't explain why he wasn't there. I also didn't have him in any of my morning classes, so the first time I saw him was at the fountain, like he said.

He was sitting on the edge, one arm resting on his knee and the other holding a book... wait, no, the book I got him for Christmas. Pride and Prejudice.

"Is it any good?" I said, snapping him out of his trance.

"Better than I expected." He replied, closing the book and placing it next to him.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now