fifty seven - potion

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Married life with Sebastian was fucking heavenly. Though no one knew we had secretly tied the knot, we certainly did. Add the excitement to the mix of having our own house after years of having to sneak around Hogwarts, we could barely keep our hands off each other. Every night was filled with passionate, sweaty, and loud hours of sex and exploring each others bodies in ways we didn't know possible, no matter how tired we were. I simply couldn't get enough of him.

Despite our recent sexual explorations, there was two weeks between the impromptu wedding and the one my parents had planned which was stressing me out and likely the reason why I was all over Sebastian - to keep myself distracted from the constant queazy feeling from knowing it was near.

"I was thinking we could head back to Feldcroft over the weekend, pack a few things to shift to the new place and spend some time by the sea? Hopefully it will help get your mind off things and make you feel better." Sebastian suggested one night over dinner.

"I like that idea. What shift do you work on Friday?" I asked, finishing off my potatoes.

"Morning, so we can head over as soon as you finish class." He smiled as he collected our plates and took them to the sink to wash.

We set our plan in stone, finishing off the rest of the week as we usually would, exhausting ourselves at work and class and then overcoming the exhaustion to test out a new room and surface in the home.

On Friday, Sebastian met me outside of the hospital, having already taken the liberty of packing our bags and we walked together to a quiet alley, eager to get to Feldcroft.

Sebastian made sure we weren't seen and quickly apparated us to Feldcroft, landing us with a crack right near our cottage.

"Sebastian, I'm going to—"

Before I could finish my sentence, I found a small bush near the front window and emptied my guts into it.

"I cast the anti-nausea charm, didn't I?" He asked as he patted my back, rubbing it up and down while simultaneously scratching his head in thought, trying to remember if he had.

"I... think so... did you do it wrong?" I gasped, catching my breath as I clutched at my stomach hunched over

"Maybe I didn't. Sorry, love. Maybe you try do it to yourself next time." He kissed my forehead before helping me into the cottage.

He sat me on the lounge and grabbed me a glass of water, placing it into my sweaty, trembling hand.

"Are you feeling alright now?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I might go to sleep now though if that's okay."

"Of course," he replied, his disappointment barely hidden beneath his understanding tone. It was clear he had hoped for more excitement in our day.

As I made my way to bed, I couldn't help but feel guilty for cutting our time short. The sun was still shining, and there was an hour left until sunset. But my fatigue and lingering unease made me fall asleep quickly.

Stripping off my clothes, I crawled under the covers and succumbed to a deep slumber, the sound of Sebastian's quill scratching against parchment as he worked on something echoing in the background.

Hours later, Sebastian slipped into bed beside me, carefully scooting me over to make space. I stirred, pretending to be asleep, as he gently pressed the back of his hand against my forehead, checking for signs of fever. I couldn't help but smile at his sweet gesture, keeping my eyes closed to savour the moment.

The next morning arrived, but I still felt under the weather. The thought of tea or coffee made my stomach churn, and I longed to remain in bed all day. Sebastian, however, had a different idea.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now