six - the snitch

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Natty and I whispered for hours about my dream. She insisted on great details but I decided to withhold them. I felt guilty that it felt good, so much so that I didn't realise it wasn't real. I didn't need her to know that either.

"I think you just pretend it never happened, it's clearly just your brain overthinking about Sebastian's unexpected return. There's no need to upset Garreth." Natty reassured me with a gentle hand on my arm.

"You're right. I won't tell him. But, if Cressida and Nellie do on the other hand..."

"Leave them to me." Natty smiled, removing herself from my bed and returning to sleep.

Which, unfortunately, I didn't get any. I was afraid to close my eyes just in case it happened again. Instead, I stumbled out of bed and walked down to the common room, choosing to leave my robe and suffer the consequences of cold. The image of my robe paired with my nightgown was haunting me.

The fire was still alight as I laid down on the lounge closest to it, curling my legs up to my chest to find some warmth.

I stared at the flickers of the flames, watching tiny embers crackle away and land close by. My eyes felt heavy as I watched the dancing red, yellow and orange lights entwine and dance around each other.

"Hey, Lara."

"Hm?" I opened my eyes drowsily to see Garreth crouched next to me.

"What are you doing down here?" he asked, stroking my hair which had become sticky from the dry sweat of my earlier sleep-induced escapades.

"I couldn't sleep." I lied.

"Well, looks like you're having a fine time doing it now. Mind if I join?"

I shook my head.

Garreth approached a basket near the fireplace and pulled out a thick, fuzzy blanket. He slid himself between me and the armrest of the chair, tucking his legs up and laying me between them. My head rested on his chest, feeling it rise and fall.

He fell asleep quickly, I noticed his breathing become slower and his mouth drooped open, making small humming noises as he exhaled.

I sighed hard.

Why did being here with Garreth feel so wrong? I know I had that dream but, I couldn't help it. I don't decide what to dream about. On paper, everything about Garreth was perfect. He was funny, kind, loyal. He loved me with all of his heart. He was so passionate. Why couldn't it have been him in my dream? We had done those sorts of activities in real life before so why wasn't the dream about him?

The clock in the common room began to chime, signalling it was now 7am. I hadn't fallen back asleep since Garreth had joined me, so I gathered I hadn't had more than four hours of sleep. Garreth quickly awoke to the ringing of the clock and jumped up, almost throwing me off the lounge.

"Oh, sorry." He laughed, scooping me into his arms. "Are you alright?"

I watched Garreth's face change from happy and laughing to concern.

"Yeah. I'm good."

"You don't look good. Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine, I promise. I just had a nightmare, that's all."

Yes, a nightmare. And I was still living it.

"Alright. I'll meet you for breakfast?"

"Sure." I smiled.

Garreth planted a row of kisses on my forehead and left me alone to get ready for the day. I decided to do the same myself before the common room filled with students. I'd prefer not to treat the first years to the sight of me in my night gown.

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