nineteen - astronomy tower*

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warning: mature content

Sebastian hinted to me that I needed to wear something warm before he came to collect me from outside the Gryffindor common room so I wore a simple dress, similar to the one he tainted with his blood and threw a warm coat over the top. It would do.

It was easy to sneak out since most of the year was studying for the week ahead being a Sunday night. In hindsight, I should have been doing the same but time spent alone with Sebastian was rare these days between Quidditch, classes, study and prefecting.

I managed to sneak out of the common room unseen, telling Natty to cover for me, which she reluctantly agreed to.

"Good evening." Sebastian said, taking my hand in his and lifting it to his mouth and planting a small kiss on it.

"Shhh, not here." I said.

I swear the Fat Lady was on to us, she gave us a smirk as we left.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he held my hand through the castle.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He smirked.

I groaned loudly as he kept walking, leading me up many stairs and past the room of requirement.

We reached the top of the staircase and he walked me into the Astronomy classroom.

"Studying, are we?" I asked.

"Hah. No. You'll see."

He walked me through the classroom and down the stairs to the small storage area I'd shown him before. But, instead of being all dusty and covered in... well, things to store, it was adorned with many candles, blankets and cushions. Next to the elaborate, romantic set up was two brown bags of food with smiley faces drawn on them and our names and some new art supplies.

"What's this?" I turned to him, finding a large, goofy grin plastered right across his face.

"Well, you took such good care of me last night and I felt like an idiot for how I acted and for what I said. So, I managed to get some brand new paints and brushes for you and pulled a few strings in the kitchen for some snacks. I thought you could paint tonight. Take your mind off things."

I felt tears begin to form in my eyes and as much as I tried to hold them back, I couldn't. This was the grandest gesture anyone had ever made for me. I didn't know if I deserved any of it. It was overwhelming.

"I... this is... Seb... oh my god." I cried and I cried until he took me in his arms.

"I know what you're thinking. And you do deserve it."

Bloody menace. How did he always know what I was thinking?

"Thank you." I managed to get out.

He sat me on the blankets and wrapped one around my shoulder, opening the bags of food and laying them in front of us. He'd gotten an array of sweet and savoury pastries, chocolates, strawberries... it was extravagant.

We ate together quietly, observing the clear sky that was directly in front of us.

"This is incredible..." he mumbled, polishing off the last scone with jam and cream.

"Isn't it? Now you see why I love Astronomy so much. It's just so... peaceful."

"I do. And I also love how your eyes light up and glisten like the constellations you adore so dearly when you talk about it." Sebastian pushed aside the empty bags of food and slid himself underneath my blanket, pulling me closer to him as the air became crisper.

"Thank you for all this. It's amazing." I whispered.

"Anything for you, darling."

He cupped my chin in his hand and turned me to face him. He briefly stared into my eyes for a moment as I saw the adoration glistening in his alongside the stars.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now