twenty four - christmas

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The warm, morning sun woke me up by blaring into my retinas through the blinds I had apparently forgotten to close in my sleepy haze last night after staying awake reminiscing and drinking with Louis.

Christmas morning.

My inner child squealed with excitement, and I wrapped myself in one of my blankets and burst into Sebastian's room. He didn't even budge with my excitable entrance. He was spread across the single bed, his naked upper torso entangled with his sheets. One leg hung off the side of the bed and his pyjama pants had hiked up to around his knee. His mouth was open, a trail of drool forming on the pillow and his hair was all over the place, protruding straight into the air.

Gorgeous. Stunning. Absolutely perfect.

"Hey. Seb. Wake up." I whispered as I approached him quietly, shaking his shoulder. "Sebastian... hello?"

"Hm?" he replied, pulling up the blanket and rolling over without even opening his eyes.

"Excuse me, it's Christmas. Wake up." I demanded, shaking him a little harder.

He blinked a few times, finally opening his eyes, his mouth smacking a few times as he tried to moisten it with saliva after expelling most of it out of the corner of his mouth and onto his pillow.

"Oh. Lara." He smiled, eyes still blinking to wake up and sitting up to give me a small kiss before collapsing back into the bed.

"Don't make me drag you out, Sallow." I said, tugging on his arm.

"Alright, I'm up... I'm up..." he said, forcing himself to slide out of the bed.

He threw on a shirt and also took a blanket from his bed and wrapped it around himself as we walked downstairs to see Louis and Cecilia also up and about.

"Merry Christmas!" Louis exclaimed, pulling us both into a warm hug. "C'mon, I'll make some tea."

"Perhaps a coffee for Mr. Morning over here." I said, pointing at Sebastian, who was standing upright with his chin tucked into his chest and his eyes still closed.

"I'm awake... I swear." He replied, swaying as he spoke.

We sat on the lounges in front of the fire Louis just topped up. I sipped on a warm tea as I watched Sebastian perk up a little with the taste of the disgusting brown liquid.

"I didn't think you liked coffee?" I said, watching him sip at it.

"I don't. But it wakes me up." He said, trying hard not to make a face at the bitter brown water.

As we finished our drinks, we lingered in front of the fire a little longer, enjoying everyone's company before mum and dad arrived.

Sebastian unravelled his blanket and extended his arm, ushering me to sit under it and I obliged.

"Happy Christmas, Lara." He said softly, resting his head on mine.

"Happy Christmas, Sebastian." I responded, nuzzling in closer.

I felt like we were sitting there for hours before Louis reminded us of our imminent visitors.

"Hey, love birds. Mum and dad will be here soon and if you want them to be ok with this arrangement, you might want to keep your hands off each other." He laughed, pulling me off Sebastian by my night gown.

Thanks 'I won't tell him' Cecilia...

I did agree with Louis though and dragged my blanket and Sebastian upstairs to get ready for the day.

Today I decided on a simple dress. Actually, it was the same, simple light blue dress I'd worn to the Undercroft the day Ominis' caught us. It buttoned from the top of the blouse all the way to the hem which fell just below my knee and I puffed out the short sleeves a little. This time, I pulled the front parts of my hair back with a similar shaded dusty blue bow and wore plain, white frilly socks. It was cute. I didn't want to impress anyone today.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now