forty - the bond

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Five weeks since the disappearance

I found myself returning to the shell I was once in after Professor Fig's death in my fifth year. I became a recluse, a hermit. My friends didn't even notice my absence anymore as they frolicked in their own blossoming relationships and I couldn't stand the sight of it anymore. So, I returned to the Gryffindor table for meals, if I even ate in the Great Hall at all.

For some reason, Henry had decided to be all friendly to me again and I quite frankly couldn't be bothered telling him off anymore, so I appeased him and let him sit next to me in class or the library, though I was certain I wasn't the fun conversation participant I once was.

Matilda Weasley had even called me into her office to commend my exemplary school work and my dedication to the prefect program by volunteering myself for more duties.

"Makings of an Auror." she said.

Hard pass. Being an Auror sounded like an awful time to me. I saw what kind of Auror Solomon Sallow was and I saw what it had done to Professor Sharp. None of that was for me. To be quite honest, I wanted to stay as far away from the Ministry of Magic as possible.

Hell, I even considered just returning back home to London after graduating and letting my parents try marry me off since I was now eighteen.

I truly didn't care anymore. What even was love if it wasn't what Sebastian and I had? It probably didn't even exist. It was just something they spoke about to make us continue to populate the Earth.

Potions had become drab, though I was excelling and was still Sharpy's favourite student. I swiftly made my potion and left as quickly as I could to return to my room of requirement to study.

Six weeks since the disappearance

My tears had subsided and become less frequent lately. I filled the void in my heart with books and time spent alone.

I spent each night studying in the Room of Requirement and even slept there most nights, though I'd reconfigured the room to create me a new sleeping quarters to rid me of the memories I'd created there.

Natty was going a great job of covering for me every night, though I think Cressida and Nellie truly didn't care about my frequent absence. It was the least Natty could do after spending almost every waking moment with Amit. I couldn't even use my safe space in the Astronomy tower to paint anymore they were there so often. I'd collected all my supplies one Saturday afternoon, trying hard not to look at the empty corner I'd once laid down on with a pile of pillows and blankets, letting Sebastian take control of me.

I shoved my paints in a corner, spilling open the bag of painting as I threw it across the room.

"For fucks sake..." I mumbled to myself, walking over to scoop them up. I had a quick flick through and found the artworks I'd painted of all my friends over the years, smiling as I found the one of Poppy and Highwing, Amit using a telescope, I even brought myself to look at the one I'd painted of Garreth sitting with his legs dangling over the edge of the Astronomy tower. Then, I found the most recent one. Sebastian, naked from the waist up and sleeping peacefully on the floor of the storage area.

My chest fluttered and for a moment, I couldn't take in any air. I shut my eyes and screwed up the painting, throwing it into the bag and tossing it far into the corner so I didn't have to look at it anymore. When I opened my eyes again, the tears had formed once more. I thought I was done with crying. I told myself he wasn't going to hurt me anymore.

But, I guess I was wrong.

Seven weeks since the disappearance

"See me after class, Miss Radley." Professor Sharp said to me in passing during Potions.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now