thirty seven - quidditch final

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I was awoken the next morning by the house keeper knocking on the door.

"Isn't it bloody Saturday? Why are they here so early?" Sebastian moaned, refusing to open his eyes as he continued to cradle my naked body against his, our warmth keeping each other warm as the fireplace extinguished.

"Well, it's probably a good thing, Seb. We have Quidditch today and we don't want Garreth and Imelda to have any reason to be even more mad at us." I explained, trying to pull his arms off me so I could stretch.

"Ugh... fine. We best make ourselves decent anyway before housekeeping busts in here and gets a sight they probably didn't expect to see." He said, finally giving my body freedom and climbing out of bed himself and putting on some fresh clothes from the bag he'd packed for us. He pulled out another new dress and threw it al me. It was white and lacy with delicate puffed and loose shoulders that left my collarbones exposed and just grazed my ankles.

"I thought it was similar to the one I ruined with my bloody lip all that time ago." He said, buttoning up his new shirt.

"Sebastian, I told you I was going to get it cleaned..."

"Doesn't matter now, you've got a new one." He smiled.

So fucking perfect... how is it possible to fall more and more in love with him?

He helped me place my corset and bra back on and clasped it for me as he slid the new dress over my head and arms, dragging his fingers across my collarbones and down the backs of my shoulders, admiring the necklace he'd given me along the way.

Dangerous game to be playing right now, Sallow.

"Alright, lets get out of here." He motioned towards the door.

He bust through the door, surprising the house keeper and gave her a small nod of the head and a thanks as we quickly exited the inn. We didn't avoid the curious eye of Sirona though, who raised an eyebrow with a smirk as we left.

"Thanks, Sirona! See you later!" Sebastian called, not stopping to chat as we swiftly exited towards the nearest floo flame.

Ignatia looked at Sebastian with pursed lips, not daring to speak to him today.

We landed just outside the Great Hall and entered to find our friends already gathered at the end of the Slytherin table. I was certain the rest of Slytherin house was growing tired of our multi-house group expanding across their table, but we'd be gone in a few short months so they can have it all back then.

"Good morning!" Poppy chirped at us.

"Good morning!" I responded, well-rested and starving after last nights efforts.

I looked across to see Amit and Natty in each others arms, whispering gently to each other, seemingly forgetting they were at a table with other people.

"And in front of my breakfast..." Sebastian commented as he sat down, poking Amit in the back.

"Oh. I am sorry, Sebastian. Do you not agree she is just exquisite, though?" Amit's gentle voiced cooed in Natty's direction.

I nearly snorted the tea I had just poured myself out of my nose.

"Uh, yeah. Definitely." Sebastian replied, flicking me a strange look.

"You're very relaxed, Lara. Normally you're complaining of how sick you feel about Quidditch. Especially when you're playing against Sebastian." Poppy commented.

"I don't know how to answer that. I just feel different today."

Sebastian reached under the table and grabbed my thigh, shifting my dress upwards until he was touching my bare skin.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now