twenty - the tart

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I rushed into the common room, running into Natty who was just leaving through the portrait.

"Lara! You didn't come back last night, I was worried sick!" Natty exclaimed.

"I'll explain later, I promise!" I yelled back, I didn't have time to stop and chat. I rushed to my dormitory, running up the stairs two at a time and rummaging through my trunk and finally finding everything I needed.

I had Herbology first, thankfully, because Professor Garlick could be quite lenient.

I ran into Sebastian on the stairs heading down into class.

"Good to see we both made it unscathed." He panted, he had clearly run too.

"Speak for yourself, I think I'll have a lot of explaining to do to my dormmates later on."

"Yeah, I did get pressed pretty hard by Ominis for not coming to bed last night. But, it's easy to just walk way and avoid the conversation when he doesn't know where I'm going." He smirked.

"Sebastian!" I said, smacking him across the arm, defending his poor blind friend.

Unfortunately, our seating arrangements had been pretty much set since the bubotuber incident so I had to sit directly across from Garreth and Adelaide again. It also meant Sebastian had to sit right next to Ominis and feel Ominis' burning rage at his disappearance last night.

Thankfully, this Herbology class was incident free and we only had to play with a few plants.

"Do we have plans tonight?" Sebastian asked me on the way out, avoiding Ominis who was following him closely.

"Quidditch, unfortunately. You can't have your way with me every night."

"Shh! Ominis!" Sebastian said in a loud whisper, holding a finger to his mouth then pointing behind him.

"He has superhuman hearing, he knows already." I rolled my eyes.

"She's right. I hear it all." Ominis called from metres back.

"For fucks sake..." Sebastian mumbled. "Fine, but I'll have you again soon."

Sebastian winked at me as he left to go to the rest of his classes that unfortunately didn't include me in it.

Classes were utterly boring without most of my friends in them and my day dragged. I almost wished for Quidditch practice just to get the droning voice of Professor Binns out of my head. But, we were finally dismissed and I headed straight down to the pitch.

"Radley. Didn't you get my owl?" Henry Finch called from across the pitch as he saw me approach.

Twat. He had never sent one.

"What?" I said, stopping in my tracks and placing my arms across my chest.

"You're off the team. Thomas Schmidt is replacing you."

"What?" I repeated. I heard the shocked whispers of my teammates around me, it was clear they hadn't been informed.

"You heard me, Radley. Get the fuck off my pitch."

I scoffed and stared at Henry in disbelief. Oh, what a move. Get rejected and the shit beat out of you and then take it out on the girl. Nice.

I relished in the fact he was still sporting two black eyes, though.

I stormed my way into the Great Hall after abruptly leaving the Quidditch pitch, finding Sebastian bailed up by Ominis at the Slytherin table.

He must have heard my footsteps because he quickly turned his head from Ominis' scolding and stood up, meeting me halfway to the table.

Entombed // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now