thirty one - a baby

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Sebastian's POV

Lara walked into the Great Hall the next day with a pep in her step. She sat down next to me and gave me a kiss, still smiling.

"Feeling better?" I asked, a little puzzled as I left her pretty deflated yesterday after the events of the Quidditch game.

"I'm an Aunty." she announced.

"Oh, Cecilia had the baby?" I said, trying to match her enthusiasm.

"Yes! A little boy. They've named him Patrick. Patrick George Radley, after my grandfather." she beamed.

"Wow, congratulations Aunty Lara!" I hugged her and kissed her head before resuming my breakfast.

"I'm going back to London for the weekend after the Quidditch game on Friday. Did you want to come?" she asked me, pouring herself some tea.

"To see a baby?" I asked, stupidly.

Her face and posture changed, her shoulders slouched.

"Yes to see a baby. I thought you'd be happy to get away from the castle. But don't worry about it, I'll go by myself." she scoffed at me, a hint of sarcasm laced in her voice.

"No, that's not what I meant... sorry, of course I'll go."

"Hmm." she replied.

I'd upset her.

I won't lie, seeing a new baby was a bit unsettling. I'd had nothing to do with an infant in my entire life. They were scary. Fragile, little squirmy things. But, if it would make Lara happy to go back to London with her, then I would. Even if it meant facing her parents after they sent that photo of us both on the floor asleep on New Years Eve.

I had Quidditch that afternoon and while the game dragged, it was nowhere near as eventful as her game yesterday. We comfortably beat Hufflepuff without any incident.

Lara's POV

Why was it that me watching Sebastian's Quidditch games was also so much more straight forward than him watching mine? He comfortably took the snitch, metres away from the Hufflepuff seeker and he was happily hailed as the hero. Ugh. I hated watching everyone fawn over him.

"Well done, seeker." I said, meeting him outside the change rooms, greeting him with a small kiss.

"I thought about you." he said, pinching my side as he held me.

I rolled my eyes and so did Imelda who'd just walked past us.

"Revolting. But, well done today, Sallow. I don't care who or what you think of as long as you keep catching that snitch." Imelda commented, giving him a hard slap across the back as she left.

Sebastian and I didn't get much time together over the next week, the last week of the regular Quidditch season was approaching fast. Besides dining together for each meal with our two in-love friends, we had little time to speak.

We were playing each other again tonight. Friday night. And we were heading to London straight after. God, I was stressed about how it would go. Either way, one of us would win and one of us would be mad. It could make London awkward or not happen at all.

Please let it go well...

"So, how are you both feeling?" Ominis asked us at lunch.

"Like I could vomit." I replied, staring at my empty plate.

"Oh, Lara, not this again. You need to eat!" Poppy commanded.

She started piling items of food on my plate.

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