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*Takes place in X-Men: First Class*

Erik POV

"I can't do it Charles." I growled, frustrated that I had been unable to move the giant metal solar dish (I don't really know what it's called but we'll go with solar dish).

"Erik, take a deep breath. I believe that the greatest powers come from a feeling between rage and serenity. Would you be willing to let me look into your mind?" Charles asked calmly.

I was scared that what he may see in my mind may cause him to hate me. And I wouldn't want the person I love to hate me.
I haven't exactly told Raven that I am not interested in her however I will, maybe, in the future. There's no way someone as attractive as Charles would like me - I mean he's too perfect.

At last, I nodded. I felt a feeling of grief as the image flashed across my eyes. It was the day Charles stopped me from drowning. I did not expect that memory, I thought it would perhaps be something to do with my mother.

"I am touched Erik." He whispered.

I turned around to face him and saw him quickly wiping his eyes. My eyes were drawn to his cherry red lips. I wish I could kiss him.

"I wasn't expecting that." I mumbled.

"Neither was I." Charles muttered, under his breath.

He walked over to me and asked "Do you want to try again?"

I nodded. I raised my arm and concentrated on Charles. How peaceful he made me yet also how angry it made me that he would never see me in the way I saw him.

I looked up and my goal had been reached - the solar panel thing was now facing me and Charles. I grinned.

Charles hugged me, "well done Erik, I knew you could do it."

"Thank you Charles." I responded.

I looked down at the shorter man - who had just pulled away - and smiled sadly. If only he saw me in the same way I saw him.

A window opened and a voice called out "Erik, did you need help with that thing?"

It was Raven.

"No Raven." I called back.

Charles eyebrows had risen in shock - I'm assuming he knew about Raven's crush on me.

"Are you sure, afterwards we could have some...fun." She called back, evidently trying to seduce me.

I glanced over at Charles and saw that he had a mournful look on his face. Why was he sad?

"Raven please refrain from discussing your...relationships with Erik when I am around." His voice was low and his head was bent down; even though his face wasn't showing, I could tell that he was crying.

This was all very confusing. Why was he crying?

"Charles, are you ok?" I whispered.

"I'm fine Erik, go do stuff with my sister." He mumbled, trying (and failing) to wipe his eyes without me noticing.

In that moment I decided that I would rather spend time with Charles then pretend to be straight.

"No thanks Raven, I'd rather stay here with Charles." I called back.

I glanced at Raven who evidently looked hurt as she slammed the window shut.

I glanced down at Charles and saw that he was looking up at me, confused as to why I had rejected his sister.

"Why don't you want to go with Raven?" He asked.

"As I said, I'd rather stay here with you." I smiled.

"But why?" He asked.

"Will you go on a walk with me?" I asked.

Charles nodded and we walked away.

Charles POV

Why on Earth would Erik want to spend time with me rather than have sex with my sister. This is very confusing.

As Erik and I walked, I couldn't help but wish the circumstances were slightly different. If only a man as handsome as Erik was gay.

"Would you mind sitting on the grass with me?" Erik asked.

"Of course not." I smiled.

If only he was gay.

We both sat down - Erik's grey eyes staring directly into my blue ones.

"Charles I have something to tell you. You can hate me all you want after however I have to tell you as I trust you more than I have ever trusted someone in my life." He stated nervously.

Wait...Erik was nervous? That's a first.

I smiled encouragingly and responded "you can tell me anything Erik, you can trust me."

Erik smiled at me then after taking a deep breath he announced "I'm gay."


The man I am quite possibly in love with just admitted to being gay. I have a chance, I actually have a chance.

My reaction had evidently shown on my face as Erik whispered "Charles, um do you hate me for being gay?"

He thought I hated him for being gay. Dear me it is quite the opposite, I love him for the fact that he is gay.

I stared at him then beamed, "Erik I could never hate you for this.

"Really?" He asked, sounding surprised, "but being gay is illegal."

I chuckled slightly "well then I suppose we shall have to be outlaws together."

Did I just come out to someone for the first time? Apparently so. And does it feel good given that that person is my crush? Yes it does.

"Wait, your gay." He whispered hoarsly.

I nodded.

"Read my mind Charles." He whispered.

After hesitating slightly, I put my fingers up to my temple and focused on Erik. As I entered his mind I saw three words projected towards me.

I love you.

I gasped. He liked me back. Erik liked me back!!!

I exited his mind then stared at him, grey eyes meeting blue.

"Do you...erm...like me back?" He whispered quietly.

I lent forwards and kissed him on the lips, carefully and gently. After a moment's shock, Erik kissed me back.

When we broke apart, we both had stupidly wide grins on our face. I flushed then giggled "does that answer your question darling?"

"Yes love, it does." Erik grinned back.

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