Stairs (Faint part 2)

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When Charles woke up, he looked over and saw that Erik had fallen asleep in the chair beside his bed. He smiled softly at the sight of him before carefully sitting up. The sound of the bedsprings creaking was enough to wake Erik up.

"How are you feeling Charles?" He asked, completely alert and free of any post-sleep grogginess.

"A lot better thank you Erik." He smiled.

"How is your head?"

Charles was taken aback by his concern but smiled "it's alright thanks. Do you know what old friend, I feel like playing some chess."

Erik felt his cheeks rise in temperature which made Charles laugh, "not that chess Erik, not that I would be opposed..."

"Outside stairs in 10 minutes, I'm going to get changed. Then later on we shall play a second game of chess here."

Charles smirked, his face slightly pink, as he watched Erik walk out of the room. He quickly got out of bed, showered and got dressed, taking extra care to do his hair neatly.

Staring at his reflection in the mirror, Charles unbuttoned the top button of his powder blue shirt before picking up his cologne and spraying some on himself.

He walked out of his room and met Erik in their arranged spot. Struggling not to stare at the very attractive man in front of him, he grinned "hello Erik."

Erik's eyes widened at the sight of Charles, "hello Charles." He responded.

He gestured for Charles to sit down next to him so that they could begin their game of chess. With all the elegance of a ballroom dancer, Charles sat down then took the first move on the chessboard.

"I hope I can get back to using cerebro." Charles stated.

Moving one of his pawns, Erik announced "I'm not letting you use it until at least tomorrow. After Hank has made some alterations so that it is much safer for you to use."

"Erik I'll be fine don't worry." Charles chuckled.

Erik nodded, accepting that Charles knew what was best for himself. He moved his piece forward then gestured for Charles to do the same. He didn't. He lent forward and gently cupped Erik's face in his hands "thank you for caring."

Erik flushed slightly at their closeness. His eyes flitted towards Charles', searching for permission to take things further. The hunger and lust in Charles' eyes as he glanced down at Erik's lips was enough for him. Carefully guiding Charles' head closer, he pressed their lips together gently.

Charles let out a small gasp of joy then kissed him back. The kiss was short and sweet, a simple brushing movement yet neither of them wanted to end it.

Pulling back, Charles whispered "it's rather open out here, did you want to go somewhere more private so we won't get discovered together?"

Erik pondered the choices before he shyly responded "shall we finish our game first before taking things...inside."

Charles nodded, he liked the sound of Erik's suggestion. Resting his arm close enough so that their fingers brushed, he moved one of his pawns. 

Smirking Erik moved his rook, checkmate. Charles stood up then held his hand out for Erik to grab. After pulling Erik to his feet, Charles made sure no one could see them as they walked back to the compound hand in hand.

"You don't mind hiding, do you?" Erik whispered.

"Erik I've been hiding my whole life, I've gotten rather good at it. I'll keep us safe, I swear." Charles murmured, squeezing Erik's hand comfortingly.

"I wish everyone could see how much I love you." Erik mumbled.

"They will, one day. I wish everyone could see how much I love you too but sometimes people are too narrow minded."

When they reached Charles' room, Erik quickly opened the door. After slipping inside, Charles let down the telepathic shield, leaving the two of them on their own. Locking the door without batting an eye, Erik stepped closer to Charles and announced "I've known you for two days and I've already fallen hopelessly in love with everything about you Charles Xavier."

Charles blushed "and I've fallen hopelessly in love with you too Erik Lehnsherr."

Smiling widely, Erik kissed Charles' on the lips deeply while they slowly made their way towards the bed.

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