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Erik's POV

I walked into my bedroom feeling absolutely exhausted. I just wanted to get into bed and sleep. But apparently that wasn't going to happen.

"Well this is a surprise." I stated nonchalantly.

Raven was lying in me bed, naked. This was not a good situation to be in. How do I tell her that I didn't like her that way?

"The good kind?" She asked flirtatiously.

I sighed "get out Raven I want to go to bed."

She refused to move and merely smirked, "oh come in Erik, you know you want to."

I really did not want to. How do you tell a pretty girl that you are in love with her brother?

"Raven I want to go to sleep." I stated cooly.

Somehow she still didn't get the hint, Raven just stared at me, batting her eyelashes. I couldn't take it any longer so I walked out.

As fast as I could, I walked down the hall to Charles' room. Knocking on the door, I breathed trying to calm myself down. I was furious - why couldn't Raven listen andeave me alone. I may hate people however Charles held a special place in my heart. In fact he is my heart.

The door opened and Charles stood there, framed in the light from the hallway. When I saw that he was shirtless, I couldn't help but stare. My eyes travelled down his chest, hungrily taking in the sight of his toned muscles.

"Erik did you need anything?" Charles grinned.

"This may sound like a strange request but can I sleep here tonight?" I asked nervously.

"Of course, come in." Charles responded, stepping aside and letting me walk into the room.

I stared around at the room and saw that it was immaculate, not a book out of place nor a shoe unshined.

"Let me just get a shirt on." Charles blushed.

"It's alright, I don't mind." I grinned.

I was definitely not complaining if he stayed shirtless - it was a magnificent sight. Charles blushed slightly. Shit did he hear that?

Charles climbed into his bed then gestured that I do the same. Cautiously, I sat in the covers next to my Charles.

"So why do you need to stay here tonight?" Charles asked.

"The full story may make you hate me." I mumbled.

Charles moved his hand so that it was resting on my own; I held back a gasp.

"You can tell me anything Erik." He smiled.

I took a deep breath, smiled shyly at Charles before saying "well today's training tired me out so much I just wanted to gi to sleep however there was someone in my bed. A naked someone."

"Who was it?" Charles tried to ask casually however his voice had raised a few octaves.

"Raven." I mumble.

"I see." He responded.

"I told her to get out multiple times however she didn't listen to me. In the end I decided to come here as you're my best friend and I need help." I explained.

"I'm always here to help you Erik. If you don't mind me asking, why did not just sleep in the same bed as my sister?" He murmured.

"Because I'm gay and I'd rather sleep in the same bed as the man I love than his sister." The words burst from my mouth before I had the time to comprehend what I said.

When I realised I had fucked up, I slapped my hand over my mouth. Looking over at Charles, I saw that he was staring at me blinking slowly. He moved his hand and gently pried my hand away from my face. I shot him a confused look however he simply smiled at me. I felt his hand rub through my hair as he lent over and pressed our lips together. I gasped before leaning into the kiss and moving myself closer to the telepathic mutant that I loved with all my heart.

When we broke apart, Charles grinned at me, "I love you too darling."

I blushed then ran my hands over his chest.

"I caught you staring earlier." He smirked before moving his hands towards my turtleneck and pulling it over my head.

"I know you are tired so we aren't going to have sex however I want you to be comfortable while you sleep." He whispered before undoing my belt buckle and removing my trousers.

I pulled him close to me and wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Thank you Leibe."

Shortly after we fell asleep together, wrapped in a warm, comforting embrace.

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