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You're eyes shine like the Mediterranean, I could drown in them for hours.
Yours faithfully,
Sebastian Shaw

Charles faked throwing up. No matter how many times he told Shaw he wasn't interested he would never listen. The man was about as good as taking a hint as a chocolate bar is at playing tennis.

Sighing, Charles crumpled the paper up in his hand before throwing it in the direction of the bin. 4 love notes in a week, do people not understand the word no?

Usually, Charles liked being in the center of attention, he was the life of the party, but when the attention was coming from pretentious dickheads like Shaw, it made him feel extremely awkward. It wasn't even as though he didn't know about Charles' relationship - everyone knew about Charles' relationship.

Truth be told no one believed that he had a boyfriend. Not even Charles' friends believed him when he told them about the German man he met while backpacking across Western Europe.

No one seemed to believe that two teenagers could remain faithful to each other despite being separated for 2 years. Even Hank, his best friend, didn't believe that he had a boyfriend.

"Did Shaw stick another note inside your textbook?" Alex asked.

Charles nodded grimly, "I don't know why he doesn't take the hint that I don't want to be with him."

"I reckon you should give him a chance." Sean commented.

"Absolutely not, I am content and happy in a healthy, loving relationship." Charles snapped.

"Oh yes Erik." Raven mocked, not even she believed him, it was infuriating.

"I don't know why you don't believe me?" Charles stated.

"You don't have any pictures with him." Hank stated.

"I do."

"Why don't you show us then?" Raven stated.

"Why should I show them to you, to prove my point? I know what I am to Erik and he knows what he is to me. We are happy. I am happier than I've ever been, I don't know why you can't see that."

"Surely if he was your boyfriend, you'd have your phone wallpaper or profile picture as a picture of the two of you, but no, what is it again?" Alex reasoned.

"My phone background is a landscape and my profile picture is a picture of me that Erik took."

"Whatever you say," Sean snorted, "how do you have sex?"

Charles sniffed "Not that it's any of your business Sean but Erik and I sext on occasion however there is more to a relationship than just sex. Just because your sex life is as dry as a paper towel doesn't mean you can go poking around for details about other people's."

The others still didn't believe him so Charles gave up trying. His phone vibrated on the table and his eyes lit up when he saw it was a message from Erik.


Erik: Another love note, do I need to be scared about the competition?

Charles: God no, you never have to fear, I'll always choose you over any random bimbo who wants a piece of this sexy body

Erik: a sexy body that is all mine

Charles: obviously

Charles: currently having the 'no Charles you don't have a boyfriend, stop pretending talk'

Erik: I'm sorry I can't be there to prove them wrong

Charles: I don't need to prove to them, I know who you are to me

Erik: which is?

Charles: the love of my life

Erik: I love you too

Charles: It's just annoying how they don't believe anything I say

Erik: perhaps they think it's because saying you have a boyfriend keeps away creeps

Charles: it evidently doesn't work

Erik: ignore Shaw, he's a knob

Charles: agreed

Erik: I can't wait to see you again

Charles: Call tonight?

Erik: sorry Schatz, I've got to take my parents to the airport so I can't be up late

Charles: alright, tell them I say hello and wish them a safe flight

Erik: will do. Love you Schatz but I have to go now

Charles: Bye Erik, love you more X

Erik: Goodnight baby

Charles: Goodnight my love


There was no response to his good morning text which was odd. Charles knew that it wasn't morning where Erik was however he would usually get some kind of sarcastic comment about how it wasn't morning until Erik woke up.

Due to his overthinking nature, Charles spent most of Fury's class stressing about whether or not Erik was mad at him. He was constantly checking his phone to see if any new messages came through however nothing did.

When Charles came out of his class, Sebastian Shaw approached him, before slinging an arm around his shoulders. Charles grimaced uncomfortably, "hello."

"Heyyyy Charles, did you want to get some lunch with me?" Shaw asked coyly.

"No thank you, I'm getting lunch with my friends." Charles responded jerkily.

"Perhaps I could join you." Shaw suggested.

"No sorry." Charles stated, trying to move out of the man's grasp.

"Oi, piss off." A voice shouted.

Shaw withdrew his arm from around Charles. At the sound of the voice, Charles gasped, it couldn't be, could it? Glancing over at where the voice came from, the sight made Charles' eyes fill with tears.

"Erik." He breathed.

The couple ran at full speed towards each other and as soon as they reached the other, Charles flung himself on Erik. Erik picked him up with ease and spun him around, pressing their lips together in a bruising kiss.

They were both babbling incoherent nonsense, Charles in English and Erik in German. Neither could understand a word the other said but neither of them cared all that mattered was that they were safely in each other's arms once more.

"I missed you so much Schatz." Erik breathed, peppering Charles' face with kisses, "I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts, I was on the plane and didn't want to ruin the surprise."

"You think I care about that now, you ridiculous man? Just shut up and kiss me again." Charles sobbed.

Crying gently, Erik did what he asked. He pressed their lips together in a loving kiss, drawing all the air out of them as they worked their lips together.

"Gott I missed you so much." Erik mumbled.

"I missed you too." Charles whispered.

They stared into each other's eyes for a little while longer, not needing to speak, just being in each other's presence was enough to convey the amount of love they felt for the other.

"Wait your boyfriend is real?" Raven shouted.

"Yes, I've been telling you that for the past 2 years." Charles responded.

Raven blushed guiltily. She regretted not believing her brother - he was her brother after all and he had never lied to her.

"Come on, let's go get some lunch." Erik suggested.

Nodding, Charles clutched Erik as they walked off the campus to get lunch and spend some well deserved quality time together.

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