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Charles looked up from his copy of the Sunday times and stared at Erik from across the kitchen. He had just put a batch of his delicious Rugelach into the oven, which Charles was extremely excited to eat. They lived in a part of the mansion that was set aside for the teachers, their living quarters was the biggest, containing: a small kitchen area, an en suite and, of course, their bedroom. Since it was a Sunday afternoon, Erik was baking and Charles was catching up on the things he hasn't had the chance to do during the week due to his busy schedule as the headmaster.

The minds of two bright young students bobbed along the corridor until they stood outside the door, nervously contemplating whether or not they should knock on the door.

Charles reached out to Erik's mind and nudged the part where his control for metal was situated, I think we have some visitors love, will you let them in?

Erik grumbled something along the lines of him not being a door opener and that Charles could just open the door himself however his slightly irritated thoughts were dulled by the overwhelming sense of love he gave off when talking to or about his husband. He walked over to the door as he quickly brushed his floury hands off on his apron.

Opening the door, Erik found himself facing two small 7 year olds. One bright blue and the other with a shock of golden curls and white wings on his back.

Charles wheeled himself over to where Erik was standing and smiled warmly "why hello there, do come in. What do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Kurt stepped inside however the taller boy burst into tears.

"Oh dear, what happened Warren?" Charles asked soothingly.

He wheeled over to the crying boy using his chairs controls while rummaging through the pockets of his cardigan to for a packet of tissues.

The young mutant continued to cry as Charles handed him a tissue.

"Did you want to sit on my lap, Warren? I can hold you while you calm down?" Charles stated.

The boy nodded and was quickly next to Charles' wheelchair, his hands gripping at the soft blanket Erik has made for him to keep him warm as he often got very cold. Charles hoisted the boy up onto his lap and hugged him, carefully rubbing his back while he cried. The young mutant's head nestled under Charles' chin as he cried into his headmaster's cardigan.

Erik, I'll deal with this, you make sure Kurt doesn't get into the cookie jar.

Erik's eyes widened as he realised that his husband was correct, their blue nephew would definitely try and steal a few cookies if he could get away with it. Turning around, Erik glanced around and caught sight of Kurt standing in the middle of their kitchen, absent mindedly sucking on the tip of his tail. You'll have to thank me for this later, Erik smirked in the privacy of their minds.

Charles rolled his eyes but did not object.

"Hallo kleiner Neffe. Did you want to help me make Lekach?" Erik grinned.

The boys red eyes lit up like rubies, "Ja gerne, Onkel."

Erik looked at the boy sternly "but you have to wash you hands and your tail before you do so."

Kurt nodded egarly then teleported over to the sink so that he could wash his hands. Erik groaned and went to tell him not to stand on the counter.

Charles admired his stunning husband for a minute - there was a smudge of golden batter on his cheek and flour in the smile lines of his eyes, the sunlight reflected off his mousy brown hair which was extremely ruffled since Erik would not stop raking his fingers through it in embarrassment every time Charles so much as smiled at him - before turning back to the small boy on his lap.

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