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Erik smiled at his sleeping husband, his face pressed against Erik's chest. Erik's arms were wrapped around him, ensuring that he didn't move from his position. Today was their 30th anniversary and a lot has changed since they first met. They had been married for 20 years, they had 4 incredible children, they ran a school together and they were more in love than ever.

Erik checked his watch, 7:30, half an hour until Charles might wake up. Normally he would get up and make the kids breakfast before helping them all get ready for the day while Charles slept (you wouldn't convince him to get up before 8 o'clock at the earliest). Today however Erik was debating on whether or not he should just let them fend for themselves...which was definitely a bad idea so he grudgingly got out of bed.

When Erik got into the kitchen he saw that it was spotless...which was odd, he was sure that he had left some dishes stacked in the sink for him to clean this morning. Erik shrugged, perhaps he was mistaken. Since it was their anniversary, Erik decided to make Charles his favourite pancakes. The recipe was easy and one he could do off by heart (Charles and the kids asked for pancakes on special occasions) however he wanted everything to be perfect.

"Morning Papa." Wanda smiled as she slipped into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart." Erik smiled before quickly turning back to the pancake mixture.

His 14 year-old daughter sat down at the table and had to try not to laugh at the intense concentration on her Papa's face.

"I forced Pietro to clean the kitchen for you." She grinned.

"How did you manage that?" Erik asked in amusement.

Wanda smirked, "I have my ways."

Erik rolled his eyes, it was surprising how alike he and his daughter were sometimes.

"Pancakes?" Wanda asked.

Erik grinned, "for your dad, I suppose I might be able to make some for you just depends."

Pietro, Lorna and David ran into the kitchen, "Pancakes!!!" Little Lorna squealed excitedly.

Erik smiled at his children: Pietro (Peter), aged 16; Wanda, aged 14; David, aged 11 and Lorna aged 7. He loved them all unbelievably much, the only thing he loved more was Charles.

"Yes I am making pancakes and no they are not for you, but, if there is any batter left over, I suppose I could make you all some." Erik chuckled.

"Pleaseeeee." David begged.

"What's the special occasion?" Lorna asked curiously

"It's papa and dad's anniversary." Wanda smiled.

Erik beamed, "yes, it is."

Peter rolled his eyes and groaned "oh no, it's sappy day."

Wanda glared at her brother, "shut up idiot, it's their anniversary, leave them alone."

Peter looked as though he was about to say something however he cowered under Wanda's glare.

Erik flipped the pancakes and placed a stack on a plate. He covered them in chocolate sauce before walking over to the fridge and getting out some strawberries and raspberries. It didn't take him long to wash and cut up the fruit. As he spread it over the pancakes, Charles walked in, his hair slightly messed up from sleep but other than that looking perfect in a t-shirt and pair of tracksuit bottoms.

"Morning kids." He smiled.

"Morning dad." His 4 kids chorused.

Wanda walked over and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek while Lorna gave her dad a hug.

"Good morning to the hottest man ever." Erik called as he turned around, holding the plate of pancakes.

Charles blushed as he sat down at the table.

"Gross, get a room." Peter commented.

"Shut up." David groaned.

"Right, all of you out, let's leave them. We can beg Hank for breakfast." Wanda announced before dragging her brothers out of the room, winking at Erik.

"Oooo yay I like Uncle Hank's cooking." Lorna squealed, running after her siblings.

Erik smiled fondly at his kids before setting the plate down in front of his husband.

"Happy anniversary Mein Liebling."

Charles looked over at Erik and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"Happy anniversary darling, thank you for the pancakes." Charles beamed, his eyes bright.

"Tea?" Erik asked.

"Please." Charles responded before taking a bite of pancakes.

Erik grinned and prepared himself a coffee and his husband his tea. A few minutes later, he sat at the table next to Charles, placing the drinks on coasters.

Charles rested his head on Erik's shoulder "30 years together, can you believe it?"

"Not really, I don't know what I'd do without you." He responded.

Erik moved his arm around Charles' waist and pulled him onto his lap causing Charles to giggle slightly.

"Erikkk, what if the kids see."

"It's our anniversary, we are allowed to." Erik smiled.

Charles chuckled and rested his head on Erik's chest. Erik grabbed Charles' fork and ate a forkful of pancakes before kissing Charles on the top of the head.

"Things are so different from when we first met." Charles commented.

His husband nodded, "they are, yes, is that a good thing?"

Charles smiled "Yes it is."

"Good good."

Charles finished his pancakes then turned around so that he was straddling Erik, there's nose millimetres away from touching.

"I love you." He murmured.

"I love you too." Erik whispered.

"Thank you, for everything, I couldn't have done it without you." Charles sighed.

"You don't need to thank me, thank you for being the best husband ever." Erik mumbled.

Charles smiled then brought their lips together into a passionate kiss.

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