Spend our days together

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Charles' POV

I snuggled into Erik's chest as we lay together by the lake. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

"Can we just stay here and spend the rest of our days together?" I murmured.

"Of course." Erik smiled.

I sighed contentedly and fell asleep, wrapped in Erik's strong embrace.


"Please don't go." I whispered.

He held me in his arms and looked down at me.

"I have to, we want different things." He whispered.

He set me down in the sand before walking away. I let out a strangled sob before I felt myself loosing consciousness.


He said he would never leave me.

He lied. He left me. He's gone and I know deep down that he's not coming back. I loved him and he broke my heart. Now I can't walk, I can't think straight and I can't do anything other than lay in my room, staring at the ceiling and drinking scotch.

Each day is the same: wake up, get force-fed by Hank then wallow in my self pity. I can't bare it much longer.


"YOU ABANDONED ME." I screamed, my voice cracked with sadness as tears built up in my eyes "I loved you and you left me."

Erik stared at me before whispering "you loved me?"

"YES YOU ARSEHOLE, I LOVED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH, and you left me, paralysed." My voice cracked and I broke down in sobs.

Logan left the plane compartment and went to sit with Hank I heard him mumble something along the lines of "this couples spat may take a little more than a kiss for them to make up."

A pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. I flinched however Erik didn't let go of me.

"I'm sorry my love." He whispered.

I tried to free myself from his grasp however it was no good. In the end I gave in to my feelings and cried into his chest.

"I'm so so sorry Charles, I wanted to come back as soon as I left however I couldn't bring myself to having to hear your sob's. I thought if I walked away, you would forget me and move on and be able to live happily." He whispered.

"Ha yeah right, I lost the love of my life and my sister on the same day and you expected me to move on." I scoffed.

"I was stupid and I'm so so sorry." Eric whispered.

I looked up at him and saw the tears in his eyes. This time I didn't need my mutation to be able to see that he was telling the truth.

"I forgive you Erik but only if you swear to me that you won't do it again." I murmured.

"On my mother's life I swear that I will never leave you again." He stated.

I stared up into his eyes and smiled for the first time in 10 years. Erik's lips pressed against mine gently after a moment's shock I gently kissed him back.

I had missed the way his lips felt on mine. As I stood, kissing Erik, my hands wrapped around his waist - holding him close. Now that the man I loved was in my grasp, I would never let him go.

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