When we were young

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"How is he?" Logan asked.

The Professor laid in his bed, fighting for his life, dozens of wires and tubes latched in to him.

"Not good Logan. Physically he is perfectly healthy. The problem is in his mind, when he was hit by the beam of electrical pulses it sent his brain into some form of depression. He's deteriorating - and fast. I don't know if he'll make it." Hank explained.

Scott, Logan, Jean and Rogue gasped.

"This is horrible." Rogue whispered.

The others nodded in agreement before they all turned to look at the professor. He looked frail and helpless - something the group were not used to seeing. The professor always seemed to be invincible but as he lay there with his eyes closed and his forehead creased the reality that their beloved professor was not going to live forever hit them like a bullet to the back.

"There's an uninvited guest at the door to the san." Jean said quickly.

"Rogue, you stay with the professor and we'll go speak to whoever it is." Scott instructed.

Rogue nodded and the other four walked out of the room. They spotted a man pacing in the waiting area and as soon as they spotted who it was, Logan growled, his claws appearing "what do you want Magneto?"

"You can put your claws away Wolverine, I come in peace." Magneto stated with his usual wit.

Something the four mutants noticed was that his voice had a slightly scared note however they ignored it.

"You don't do peace." Hank snorted.

Erik held up his hands in surrender before responding "I want to see Charles."

"Why should we let you see the Professor?" Logan sneered.

"Charles and I have an intimate connection, I know him better than all of you combined." Erik stated.

"Jean read his mind." Scott instructed.

Erik glared before hissing "no telepath other than Charles has ever or will ever be allowed in my mind. I just want to know what condition Charles is in."

"Why should we tell you, you're probably going to kill him." Logan glared.

"You have no idea how wrong you are. All I want to know is how he is doing." Erik glowered.

"You have no right." Scott glared.

"No right...I have every right to know how my Charles is." The metal bending mutant spat furiously.

Scott, Logan, Hank and Jean looked slightly surprised at the tone of Magneto's voice, it was almost desperate.

"Perhaps I could supervise them." Jean suggested.

"No, it's private."

"Sorry, no supervision no entry." Hank stated, clearly not sorry.

After letting out a noise of frustration, Erik announced "fine, read my mind if that's what it takes you to believe me do it. However if you repeat anything that you see, you'll regret it."

"Did you just threaten my girl?" Scott glared.

"Leave it Scott." Jean responded quickly.

She stared into Erik's eyes before entering his mind.

Jean was greeted by a scene from what must have been from at least 50 years ago. Charles and Erik were shaking hands; they were chatting politely in a pub. Jean realised that it was the day they met for the first time.

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