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Charles smiled to himself. He loved teaching, he especially enjoyed teaching biology given the fact that he was a professor of genetics. He wheeled himself out from around his desk and began handing out the sheets to the students. A knock on the door made him pause and call, "come in."

The door opened and in walked a tall man who was wearing an immaculate grey suit.

"Hello Mr Lehnsherr, did you need anything?" Charles asked formally, his eyes shining brightly.

"Would it be alright if I had a quick word with you Professor?" Erik responded.

"Yes of course, Scott, please could you hand out the rest of the sheets?" Charles asked, smiling at the student in question.

As much as Scott wanted to say no, he simply couldn't. Professor X was the type of person you simply couldn't say no too (and that had nothing to do with his telepathic abilities). He was a really nice guy and none of the students could bare to disappoint him.

The students watched with interest as Mr Lehnsherr, their German and politics teacher bent down and whispered something in Professor X's ear. They mumbled quietly to each other for about a minute before Erik straightened up again. He stared down at Charles, then gently squeezed his shoulder. Charles stared at Erik then nodded once, making Erik smile.

Turning on his heel, Erik walked out of the door. "I'm sorry for the interruption class, let's get back to biology."

"Pst, Scott, is that normal?" Kurt hissed.

He'd only been at the school for around 2 weeks so he hadn't really seen the headmaster and deputy head together much.

"Yeah, they're always like that." Scott shrugged.

"Are they a couple?" Kurt asked curiously.

"I don't think so." Jubilee chimed in.

Kurt looked confused, "are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure." Jubilee repeated.

Peter eavesdroppef into them from the row behind. He smirked to himself then carried on answering the questions on his worksheet.

Scott thought about what Kurt said, he had a point, they did seem to act differently but not much. They spent a lot of time together however it was probably to discuss things about the school since they run it together.

After the class had ended, Charles let his students go and wheeled himself towards the staff room. He saw Erik walking in the other direction and the pair shot each other a small smile.

Kurt nudged Scott then raised an eyebrow. Scott looked at the two men smiling at each other then whispered "maybe you have a point."

Peter was walking behind them and had to stifle a laugh. When they find out it's going to be hilarious.

Erik and Charles met in Charles' office for their evening game of chess and discussions about the school day. They students never bothered them. They knew that they were busy but they didn't quite know what they were busy doing. Peter knew of course, but he wished he didn't know.

Kurt and Scott watched at Erik walked into Charles' office about 4pm. It was now 7pm and neither of them had seen the Professor X and Mr Lehnsherr since then.

"Do you think they are talking about school things?" Kurt asked.

"Probably, I think they always play chess in the evening, at least that's what my brother told me. They've always done it. They're best friends so that's nothing unusual I suppose." Scott responded even though as he said it, he knew that Kurt had a high possibility of being right.

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