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Charles grimaced when Hank turned on cerebro. It was overwhelming, being able to touch so many minds. The power it gave him, it was unbelievable.

"Charles are you alright?" Erik asked worriedly.

Charles has gone rather pale and a single drop of blood was dripping out of his nose.

"He's fine." Hank insisted.

"I was asking Charles not you." Erik glowered.

"I think so, it's...wow." Charles gasped and staggered on his feet. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he blacked out.

Erik hastily ran forward to catch him, ripping the helmet off of his head. Without saying another word, he carried Charles back to the CIA block and into the small bedroom he occupied. After gently placing Charles down onto the bed, Erik hunted for a tissue. Five minutes later he found some and used it to gently wipe away the blood that had trickled out of his nose.

A hand captured his wrist and held it tight. Charles had woken up.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Erik whispered softly.

"My head is killing me, sorry if I accidentally project, it's hard for me to control my telepathy when I'm in pain." Charles murmured.

"It's alright, I'll get you some aspirin." Erik responded.

"Top draw on the bedside cabinet."

Erik followed his instructions, slowly opening the draw and taking out the packet of aspirin. He handed some to Charles alongside a glass of water.

"Thank you my friend." Charles stated.

The brief touching of their hands was enough for Erik to be able to see the projection of Charles' thoughts. They were hard to decipher, disjointed and fragmented. However what he could see stirred something deep inside of him.

The two of them, together. That was what Charles thought about. Through the blurry images, Erik was certain one depicted the two of them hand in hand.

Erik stared at the poor man in front of him, he brushed his lips against Charles' forehead and whispered "go to sleep Charles, you need rest."

Obediently, Charles shut his eyes, "will you stay." He whispered.

Erik drew a chair over to Charles bedside and rested his hand on Charles' "of course."

Charles smiled weakly before being absorbed by sleep.

The door opened and two people walked in - Hank and Raven.

"What do you want?" Erik hissed coldly.

"I wanted to see how Charles is." Hank stated.

"Charles is my brother, I'm allowed to see how he is."

"Keep your voices down, he's trying to sleep, and he had a headache. Hank you specifically ignored his health and Raven I think it would be best if I look after him, he is more likely to project what he's going through." Erik whispered.

Abashedly, Hank mumbled an apology before walking out of the room. Raven hissed "I don't see why you should stay with him, I'm his sister."

"I am staying because he asked me too." Erik snapped, still keeping his voice relatively low.

"Oh." Raven whispered before walking out of the room.

Sighing, Erik brushed the hair out of Charles' perfect face.

"Why can't they see how much I love you." He mumbled quietly.

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