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It was quite easy to get Charles to agree to take some of the students to pride. All they needed to do was ask, "hello our wonderful headmaster can you take us to pride so we can be proud of who you are."
Perhaps not in those exact words but nothing drastically different.

During the weeks leading up to it, everyone was busy planning outfits and making flags to wear. Peter had (somehow) managed to convince Erik to make a various number of pin badges for the students. When they arrived, the day before they were due to go to the parade, Peter hooted with joy "guys my dad made us badges!"

"How on earth did you manage to convince him to make them." Logan stated.

"I'm just that amazing."

"Hmmm...sure you are bub."

Rolling his eyes, Peter noticed a box with a tag on it amongst the items he received from his dad. Glancing at the label, he saw it was to the headmaster so he walked over to Charles and grinned "hi Professor!"

Charles smiled at Peter and responded "hello Peter."

Holding out the box, Peter smiled "I think this is from my dad."

A wide grin formed on Charles' face as he carefully took the box into his hands, "thank you Peter."

"You're welcome Prof." Peter stated before speeding away, leaving Charles alone to open the box his husband had sent.

Hiding his giddy smile - less someone came in and saw him - Charles opened the mysterious parcel. Inside there was a rainbow tie - which received an eye roll from an amused Charles; a large rainbow pride flag and a note.

Cautiously, Charles picked up the note, as though it were made of glass and read it.

Peter told me you were going to pride so I thought you could do with some accessories.
See you there,
Love Erik X
P.S. no you will not be able to convince me to replace my cape with a bisexual flag."

Charles snorted at the last sentence - he would definitely have to try and get Erik to do it one day however the prospect of seeing him the next day was enough to distract him.

The next morning was complete and utter chaos. In an attempt to keep everyone in order, Charles tried to raise his voice and draw attention to himself but to no avail. Instead he ended up shouting telepathically which made everyone turn towards him.

"We will leave very shortly. Now, I know you are all excited however do make sure you are all sensible." Charles announced.

"I'm not a kid Chuck." Logan - who was sporting a bisexual pin badge (albeit grudgingly) - commented.

The other students had fallen silent at the sight of Charles who was currently sporting the rainbow tie Erik bought him alongside his normal dark blue suit and had had a large pride flag flowing from the back of his wheelchair.

"You sure do know how to make an entrance Professor." Peter laughed.

"Hey it's my first pride too, I gotta go all out." Charles grinned.

The students continued to stare at Charles in shock which made him laugh harder.

"Hold up, you're gay?" Scott asked.

"Yes, I am." Charles confirmed, "always have been and always will be."

"Are you out?" Storm asked curiously.

"Well given that I'm wearing a gay, pride flag you'd assume as much." Charles stated, a slight hint of sarcasm that had never been present before he met Erik tinted his tone.

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