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"I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship." Erik commented sarcastically.

Charles froze, his muscles tensing up. Raven walked forward and wrapped her arm around her older brother "well it was a hardship softened by me."

Charles kissed the side of her temple and whispered "you go and give the tour, I'm going to need a little time to...process things."

Raven nodded and led the group into the mansion while Charles stood outside taking a few deep breaths, trying to suppress the memories that plagued his thoughts.

Erik stood behind him, watching him carefully. Charles knew that, he could feel his (extremely intriguing mind).

"You know, if I could, I would swap our places so that I went through what you did, but then again, I don't want you to have to go through what I did." Charles announced.

"You wouldn't want me to like my best life full of money and alive parents?" Erik sneered.

"In case you didn't know, you aren't the only orphan here Erik. My childhood wasn't as happy and dandy as you may think. You went through your childhood and it almost broke you, what I went through would have destroyed any normal child." Charles sighed.

Anger bubbled in Erik's chest, "my mother was killed in front of me at the age of 14, my father was killed by the Nazis and then I was experimented on just because I was a mutant."

Charles' voice came out harsh and low, "My father was killed in front of me when I was 7, my mother was an alcoholic who didn't love me and married the man who killed my father. My stepfather experimented on me for 10 years. My stepbrother physically and mentally abused me. All the while I raised Raven and took beatings so she didn't get injured. I told you that I knew all about your suffering, but just because I didn't tell you mine doesn't mean I'm not traumatised."

Charles tried to walk away, in the need for solitude however Erik grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into his chest.

"I'm so so so sorry Charles." Erik whispered.

"Why are we fighting over who is more traumatised?" Charles mumbled.

Resting his forehead against Charles' he whispered "I don't know. I'm so sorry love, you didn't know."

"Of course you didn't know, I didn't tell you - not even Raven knows the full details. All she knows is that things happened and I protected her from it." Charles murmured.

"I don't think she realises how lucky she is." Erik stated.

Charles smiled weakly then kissed Erik's nose "it's alright Erik, don't worry, I'm here."

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" Erik stated.

"Stay with me, I think tonight I may need you more than ever." Charles whispered.

Erik nodded, gently kissed Charles on the lips then cautiously asked the question that was burning his tongue.

"How did you not break, how do you still remain positive, how do you not hate humans?"

"Not all humans are like Kurt, Cain and my mother. Do you believe all mutants are like Shaw?"

"No. I met you after all." Erik responded, brushing a strand of hair out of Charles' face.

"My father was a good man. He was a human. It allows me to have a little faith."

"That's something I admire about you greatly Charles, your faith."

Charles smiled and took Erik's hand, "come on, I'll give you the tour personally."

"Where are we starting, your bedroom?" Erik smirked.

Charles laughed loudly "I was thinking to save the best until last."

Erik kissed the side of his head then walked into the house, squeezing Charles' hand comfortingly.

Raven watched the scene unfold and smiled. She didn't know everything about what happened when they were growing up but she was glad that he found someone to help him. The kiss...well good for them Raven thought.

"Is Charles ok? We saw him hugging Erik." Alex asked.

"Yeah, he's alright, just try to avoid talking about this house. And don't ask him about his childhood." Raven stated.

Nodding, the other kids understood that this was something they shouldn't pry into. Smiling at her brother and his...whatever he and Erik were, she turned away from the window and continued the tour of the house, making sure to avoid going near Charles' room.


Author's Note:
Holy shit 50 one shots published!!!
Thank you all so much, I couldn't have done it without you! Love you all, thank you so much for all the amazing support!

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