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Erik's POV

I waved my hand and the bullet Moira shot deflected and hit someone else. I heard a scream of pain.


I had just hit the man I loved with a bullet.

"No." I whispered as I sprinted over to Charles. I caught him just before he hit the sand.

I sat down then laid his head on my lap.

"Charles I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"Erik..." He choked, his brilliant blue eyes shining with tears.

"I can't feel my legs." He whispered.

No. No. No. This could not be happening. I couldn't have just paralysed the man I love. The bullet has hit him in the spine so I knew deep down that there wasn't much hope.

"Stay with me Charles." I whispered.

"Go Erik, we don't want the same things, what good is it us staying together?" He stated.

I blinked. Should I go? He was right, I wanted to kill humans while he wanted mutants to be accepted by humans. I stared back at him and saw that he had started to cry. Why did I have to hit him of all the people. I'd rather have been killed than have the man I love in pain.

It was at that moment, I realised that I didn't want to leave. I could turn my back in my beliefs about mutant rights despite what it meant to me however I couldn't turn my back on the man I was in love with.

"No." I whispered.

Charles looked at me, his face contorted in a look of agony and confusion.

"No?" He asked.

"Charles you are more important to me than what I have worked my whole life for. You are my life. Without you I am nothing." I told him.

His eyes began to leak tears however I wiped them away gently.

"You would not follow your beliefs about mutant rights for me?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Why?' he whispered.

I stared into his eyes then after taking a deep breath, I whispered "because I'm in love with you Charles."

He started at me then I felt his hand in my cheek, wiping away tears that I didn't know had fallen. He grabbed my suit then pulled me down closer to him, out noses mere inches away.

"You're in love with me?"

"Yes." I breathed.

My head was bombarded with thoughts. Does he like me? Have I screwed it up even more than I already have? Will be forgive me?

Charles stared into my eyes then whispered "Kiss me please Erik."

Without hesitation, I bent down and closed the gap between us, pressing my lips against his. It was perfect (well the kiss was not the situation we were in).

When we broke apart he whispered "I love you too Erik, I'm glad you are staying."

"Me to." I whispered lovingly.

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