Fake Boyfriend

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Modern College AU

When Emma Frost set eyes on Erik Lehnsherr she knew that he would be a good fuck. She wasn't interested in a relationship, she just wanted a one night stand. Unlike most of her previous boy toys who only looked good in the dim light of a bar, Erik Lehnsherr was (as Azazel so eloquently described) 'sex on legs'. He had the body of a Greek god and one of the sexiest accents she has ever heard.

She walked into her class one morning at the start of the semester and saw that there was a seat free next to Erik. Perfect.

"Hi sugar." She flirted, sliding into the seat.

"Hello." Erik responded gruffly sounding as if he would rather do anything else than talk to Emma.

"How are you finding the semester?" She asked with a charming smile.

Erik was about to give a stiff response however the professor walked in and began his lecture allowing Erik to let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Several times throughout the lecture Emma tried to talk to Erik however he just ignored her and diligently took notes. She even went as far as trying to read his mind however she noticed that he had strong walls, blocking her out completely. It was as though his mind was surrounded by a fortress with a giant sign saying 'private property, do not touch'.

Unfortunately for Emma, she wasn't the only person interested in Erik Lehnsherr. Many other people were determined to make him theirs. After being pestered by at least 10 people in one week, Erik had finally had enough.

"I'm not interested, I have a boyfriend so leave me alone." He responded bluntly.

Emma scoffed quietly "I have a boyfriend my arse, Lehnsherr doesn't talk to anyone. He must be lying, he's so into me."

"I don't know Emma, I don't think looking like a grumpy dickhead whenever you talk to him is the same as being interested in you." Azazel laughed.

"Leave the poor guy alone Emma, he's clearly not interested." Janos stated.

Emma glared att hem "I'll leave him alone after we fuck, he looks like he has great stamina."

The rest of Erik's fans were more accepting than Emma so kept the date offers to only one or two per week. Some of his more dedicated fangirls stalked his social media page to try and decipher if the rumours of Erik Lehnsherr's mystery boyfriend was real. However there was nothing of use on the account so most people concluded that since Lehnsherr was such an antisocial person he lied about a boyfriend just so that he would be left alone.

"How old is your boyfriend?" One of his heartbroken admirers asked.

"He's 2 years younger than me." Erik stated gruffly.

"What university is he from?" Another asked.

"This one. Now since I don't appreciate the interrogation please let me get back to my studying."

That sparked up people's interest. If he was from this university, how come they had never seen Erik with him? Emma smiled triumphantly, she knew his boyfriend was fake and she was one step closer to getting her fuck partner.

"Can I study with you?" She asked sweetly.

Erik looked up from his textbooks, evidently frustrated but nodded, "so long as you keep quiet."

Emma did not study. In fact she didn't even get her books out, instead she stared at Erik. One thing that she observed was that he never took breaks to text someone. Surely if you had a boyfriend you would occasionally stop to ask them how they were doing? He would only stop to sip at his coffee. Occasionally he would stare off into space for a while before snapping back into action, evidently more motivated. But Emma was even more certain that his boyfriend was fake.

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