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"Damn Xavier, looking fine." Alex grinned.

Charles rolled his eyes at his friends words. Alex was openly gay and no one gives a shit about him unless they want their arse kicked.

"Pink suits you." Hank agreed, trying not to blush the same colour as Charles' shirt since he was deeply in the closet and suppressing a gigantic crush on Alex.

"Thanks guys, do you think I look alright for my first day at work?"

Alex nodded "you'll sweep the dad's off their feet."

"Alex I'm going to be a primary school teacher not a prostitute." Charles stated indignantly.

Wheeling himself over to the mirror, Charles gave himself one final glance. Grey tweed suit and slacks, pink shirt, grey tie, silver watch.

"Charles you look fine, don't worry." Hank smiled supportively.

Charles brushed his hand through his hair, tidying it up before he nodded, completely happy with himself.

"Do you still need our help or are you over your clothing crisis?" Alex grinned.

"One can never be over the crisis of what to wear, it's a constant battle, day in, day out." Charles stated.

Laughing, Alex picked something up off Charles' desk. It was an enamel pride pin. Pinning it to the lapel of Charles' blazer he smirked, "you never know, it may come in handy."

Charles blushed, mumbling, "you're so obsessed with my love life, do you not have a life?"

"I'm trying to help you get some from time to time." Alex shrugged.

"Please, no one would want a paralysed cripple." Charles snorted.

Hank walked over to his friend then hit him around the head, "you're an idiot."

Alex cheered "good on you Hank, I was about to do that myself."

Hank blushed and mumbled his grateful thanks. Charles smiled at his friends before insisting that he needed to leave as he didn't want to be late.


Charles smiled at the scene before him. The young students in his class were bouncing around with excitement. The school had decided that as a treat for the new students in reception (aged 4-5 years old), they would book a face painting session.

"I want butterflies." Pietro stated to the young lady doing the face painting.

"Say please." Prompted his twin, Wanda.

"Butterflies please." Pietro smiled.

Kitty smiled and reached out for her brush to begin painting the young boy's face.

"Oh no you don't want butterflies." One of the teachers interrupted, holding the hand of a student who was all dressed in pink.

"Yes I do." Pietro grinned.

"No you don't, pink is for girls." She responded.

Wanda hugged her brother who was beginning to tear up - it doesn't take much to upset a 4 year old.

Charles wheeled himself over and asked, "excuse me, are you this young man's mother?"

He knew full well that Miss McTaggart was not their mother. The twins lived with their father who Charles was yet to meet.

"Er no."

"Well then," Charles smiled sweetly, "if you are not a parent or carer of Pietro - which you are not - you do not have any say in what he has painted on himself."

She flushed, slightly embarrassed about how a new teacher told her off "I just don't want people to think he's a-"

Charles' eyes flashed dangerously. Puffing his chest out he asked, "what was the end of that sentance?"

Miss McTaggart's eyes trailed over the pride pin on his lapel. She pursued her lips and stalked away - after all, you do look bad arguing with a man in a wheelchair.

"Thank you Mr. Charles." Pietro smiled, bubbling with excitement, "can I get pink butterflies?"

"You can get any coloured butterflies you want. I think pink will make you look very handsome." Charles smiled.

Pietro hugged his teacher's legs before bouncing back over to the lady doing the face painting.

"Daddy!" Wanda shouted as she ran over to a tall man.

Charles glanced over at him and he had to try and stop his jaw from dropping at the sight of the extremely attractive man.

"Hello sweetie, where's your brother."

"I'm here daddy!" Pietro squealed, overjoyed by the new additions to his face, "look, Mr Charles let me get pink butterflies PINK. And when Miss McTaggart tried to get me to get something else he stopped her."

Mr Lehnsherr turned around and smiled at Charles "thank you so much, sorry I'm late for pickup, I got stuck at work. Erik Lehnsherr, these little monsters' father."

Charles shook his hand politely "Charles Xavier, I'm your children's teacher. You don't need to thank me. I was used to people  telling me that I couldn't have anything pink since it was a 'girls colour' so I wanted to make sure your children didn't go through what I did."

Erik smiled brightly at Charles "would you like to come with us to get ice cream as a thanks?"

Charles blushed, was this extremely attractive man asking him on a date? Or was he just being nice?

"Please Mr Charles." Begged the twins.

Charles smiled, "well I certainly can't say no to two very adorable children."

"I was hoping that you wouldn't say no to a not-so adorable man." Erik smirked, flashing the pride pin on his own lapel.

Charles blushed then asked "why me?"

Erik smiled "you really don't realise how attractive you are, I mean look at you, you're extremely good looking."

"Wheelchair and all?"

"Wheelchair and all." Erik agreed.

"Then I'd love to join you for ice cream Erik." Charles beamed.

"YAYYYYYY." The twins squealed, launching themselves onto Charles and hugging him, "Thank you Mr Charles!"

Erik glanced at Charles worriedly, he didn't want his children to injure the man he really wanted to take on a date. As though he read his mind, Charles smiled, "don't worry I'm a lot tougher than you think, they won't break me."

"Good, may I wheel you to my car if you are ready to go?"

It had been many years since someone had offered to do something so domestic to Charles. He blushed then nodded, he didn't need anything from his bag after all and his phone was secured in his pocket.

"Yes, you may."

Erik stepped behind Charles then took the handles of his wheelchair in his hands before carefully pushing him to his car, the twins running beside them.

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