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"Charles did you want to go out and get drinks?" Raven asked one evening.

Charles looked up from his book and smiled at his sister "sorry Raven not tonight, Erik and I are going to play a game of chess."

Raven sighed in frustration "fine, but honestly this is the 3rd time this week that you've blown me off so you can play chess with Erik."

Charles looked at her with a falsely innocent expression on hia face "what are you talking about Raven?"

Raven rolled her eyes "You know what I'm talking about, whenever I invite you to come out drinking with me, Alex, Sean, Hank and Angel you always decline and say that you are playing chess with Erik. Just because you are best friends doesn't mean you can forget about us."

"Raven you know that Erik despises going to clubs and I'm not going to leave him alone while you all have fun. I'd much rather keep him company." Charles stated.

"Erik hates talking to people so I don't know why you don't just leave him alone." Raven sighed.

"He doesn't hate talking to everyone, only most people." Charles laughed.

"Fine don't come, so long as you promise to come next time." Raven announced.

Charles nodded then returned to his book.

At 7pm Erik knocked on the door to Charles' apartment.

"It's open darling." Charles called softly.

Erik pushed open the door and walked into the apartment. Charles stood up and strutted over towards him before pulling Erik into a bruising kiss. Erik kissed him back passionately as his hands trailed down Charles' sides before coming to rest on his arse. They broke apart from the kiss and Erik grinned "Good evening, that was a very nice welcome Schatz."

"I'm glad." Charles smirked.

Erik moved his hands underneath Charles' thighs and lifted him up and carried him over to the couch. Charles' arms wrapped around his neck before kissing him again.

"I love you." Erik mumbled as he opened his mouth slightly, allowing Charles' tongue to slip inside.

"I love you too." Charles responded, sliding his hands down Erik's chest to unbutton the shirt he wore.

As they kissed passionately, neither of them noticed that the door had opened.

"Yeah I just need to get my coat," Raven told her friends.

She walked into the room and at the sight of  Charles and Erik furiously making out on the couch she yelped "Jesus Christ."

The couple broke apart and at the sight of Raven they both turned bright red. Charles hastily scrambled off his boyfriend while demanding "what the hell are you doing here?"

"What's going on?" A plethora of voices asked.

"I need bleach." Raven announced.

Extremely embarrassed, Charles and Erik began trying to fix their crumpled clothes.

"Erik was making out with my brother!" Raven exclaimed.

"How long have you been together?" Hank asked, extremely curious.

"6 months." Erik stated.

Charles blushed slightly but grinned at Erik widely.

"I thought you were playing chess what were you...wait ohhhhhhhh." Alex stated.

The entire group had seemed to have come to the same conclusion at the same time.

"All those times you said you were playing chess you were actually having sex!?" Sean asked incredulously.

Charles had the decency to look ashamed whereas Erik smirked.

"We all thought you were being nerds playing chess all the time but instead you avoid us to get some." Andel exclaimed.

Charles hid his head in Erik's chest causing him to chuckle fondly at his embarrassed boyfriend.

"You bastards, you were using chess as a fucking euphemism for sex." Raven glared at them before storming out of the apartment leaving the couple alone to play chess.

Raven was never going to be able to look at a chess board again without thinking of her brother having sex with his boyfriend.

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