Home economics

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Of all the subjects Erik could have taught, home economics was not the subject Charles would have expected his husband to teach. But then again, Erik was a phenomenal cook and an even better baker so those students were lucky to have him as their teacher rather than Charles, whose secondary mutation was being awful in the kitchen.

Charles loved watching his teachers teach their lessons, it gave him a sense of pride at how much he had achieved. He was only 21 years old when he dreamed of creating a school for mutants, now, he was 72, he'd been with Erik for just shy of 50 years and together they were the start of something much bigger than themselves.

Wheeling himself through the halls he spotted a crowd of young students inside the room Erik had converted into his classroom. Quietly, he wheeled himself over to the door and peered through the glass panel, smiling at the sight of his husband looking incredibly handsome as per usual. His crisp white shirt was rolled up to his elbows and his grey black slacks showed off (in Charles opinion) the amazing shape of his arse and the dark blue apron, emblazoned with the golden X was tied neatly. Chattering student were standing in front of him asking questions while he showed them how to turn on an oven.

"Mr Lehnsherr, Mr Lehnsherr, can we make cookies for the Professor?" A young boy asked, bouncing with excitement.

At the mention of his husband, Erik's eyes brightened and a small smile flashed across his face.

"That's a wonderful idea, I made a batch earlier so shall we take them to the Professor now?" Erik suggested.

The students all nodded egarly. Looking up, Erik noticed Charles watching him through the widow and rolled his eyes.

"Look at that class, our wonderful headmaster is here already." Erik grinned, secretly very pleased that Charles had been watching.

The class turned around then rushed over to the door.

"Can we let him in?" A young girl asked.

"Of course." Erik chuckled, "We can't keep the headmaster out of a class."

After opening the door, the students swarmed around Charles.

"Hi Professor!" They all chorused, many of them giving him a hug.

"Well isn't this is a lovely welcome, hello boys and girls." Charles smiled.

Erik picked up the tray of cookies and called out "let Professor Xavier come inside,  children."

Several excited minds wanted to protest since they were happy hugging Charles but they eventually agreed and moved away so Charles could wheel into the classroom.

"Mr Lehnsherr made you cookies." Many of them exclaimed.

"Did he now." Charles grinned brightly.

Erik blushed ever so slightly making the students stifle their giggles. He offered Charles a cookie who took one and bit into it. Watching with baited breath, the children waited for his reaction.

After swallowing the sweet treat, Charles grinned, "it's the best cookie I've ever tasted."

The young children cheered and Erik smiled. Charles tugged Erik down by his wrist then and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, "thank you darling."

Beaming happily, Erik responded softly "anything for my husband."

"I had best let you get back to your lesson, I'll see you later handsome," Charles whispered before turning to the students "I hope you enjoy your lesson with Mr Lehnsherr, I shall see you all later."

"Bye Professor." The students chorused as he wheeled out of the room.

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