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Charles and Erik were famous for their arguments. It was almost funny how often they would be bickering over something or other. They were also very famous for flirting with each other.

Many of the X-Men often got exasperated with how much they flirted. Yet apparently neither of them realised that the other was flirting with them. One of them would always be staring at the other, ignoring everything and everyone around them.

One evening, Charles was sat in his wheelchair against the wall near the large filing cabinets in his office talking animatedly to Erik. He was supposed to be searching for a document for Hank however he got sidetracked when Erik walked into the room and struck up a debate about theories on genetic mutation (one of Charles' favourite things to discuss).

Erik was staring at Charles, his strong muscles built up from the years of using a wheelchair, flexed under his shirt as he moved them around wildly as he spoke passionately about his input to their discussion.

Hank and Scott walked into the room and groaned at the sight of their obvious flirting.

"Charles did you even get the document for me?" Hank asked.

Charles stopped talking and looked surprised "Hank, Scott I didn't see you there."

The two men rolled their eyes.

"Do you ever stop flirting?" Scott asked.

Erik grinned over at Charles and stated "So Charles, carry on telling me about that paper on genetics you read last night."

Charles beamed over at Erik before beginning to talk rapidly. His eyes eyes sparkling at Erik's words of interest in their conversation.

"well it was most interesting, it was about how-"

Charles was cut off by Hank shouting exasperated "oh my fucking god just make out already. I can't take it much longer."

Erik got up from the sofa and smirked, "if you say so."

He slowly walked over to Charles and grinned down at him. Charles smiled up at Erik and pulled him down by his tie so that they were eye to eye.

Erik placed one hand on the wall behind Charles to steady himself then placed the other just about Charles' waist.

"This certainly will amuse them Liebling." Erik whispered.

Charles grinned in return before using his free hand to cup Erik's jaw. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, smiling softly, before Erik leaned down ever so slightly to close the gap between them. The kiss started off slowly. It was sweet and chaste, their lips gently touching together. That didn't last long as soon enough their kiss has changed and became more passionate.

Scott and Hank were stood gaping at the two of them. After all, the kiss lasted much longer than what was normal for a first kiss. Even if said couple had been flirting with each other for goodness knows how long. Scott smirked before wolf whistling.

"What's going on?" Logan asked as he walked into the room.

"Our resident love birds are FINALLY making out." Hank stated.

When Charles and Erik split up, they were grinning madly at each other. Erik moved so that he was standing next to Charles; with one lazy flick of his hand two matching necklaces slid out from under their shirts and rested on top of them. Instinctively, Charles moved his hand to hold onto the pendant that was attached to the thin metal chain. The pendant in Charles' hand was a black chess piece - a king. The same pendant dangled from Erik's neck however it was white. Charles' smile widened and Erik rested his hand on Charles' shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"You guys do realise we've been married for 10 years, right?" He chuckled.

"WHAT!?" Exclaimed Scott.

"But you are always bickering." Hank commented.

"And while both of you flirt like a pair of lovesick teenagers you act so oblivious." Scott stated.

"How come you don't wear rings then?" Hank asked.

Charles laughed "We enjoy debating, it always leads to deep and intellectual conversations, even if we don't agree on everything."

"And we enjoy flirting with each other and complimenting each other a lot. Most of the time we respond to the flirts in a mental conversation." Erik added softly.

"I don't like wearing rings as I don't want to damage them while using my wheelchair so Erik made us matching necklaces with each other's initials and the date of our wedding engraved on the back." Charles finished explaining and reached over and grabbed Erik's hand.

"How come you're so chill Logan?" Scott stated.

"Some of us are more perceptive than others." He smirked.

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