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Modern College AU

"How long do you reckon Xavier and Lehnsherr's argument will go on this time?" One student whispered.

"They'll probably waste the whole class with their arguments." Another responded.

Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr were infamous for their arguments. At every possible moment they were at each other's throats since the pair of them had vastly different opinions on mutant politics.

"Do you reckon they'll cancel class?"

"I hope not, I want to see how this one plays out - Lehnsherr looks like he's ready to kill Xavier."

"And that's surprising because..."

"Fair point."

As Lehnsherr stalked into the classroom, the professor cowered. He was a small, frail old man who could not control the class to save his life.

Lehnsherr and Xavier were by far the most extraordinary students in their class, their essay skills were absolutely phenomenal and their well reasoned arguments would be able to be put to good use one day. Unfortunately they enjoyed using their talented tongues against each other in a furious battle of wit. Lehnsherr was in the making to become a powerful politician or CEO in the future while Xavier seemed to be destined to become a professor.

"If you want a fight Erik, I will give you a fight." Charles Xavier hissed, grabbing on to Erik's shirt.

"Uh guys..." Hank McCoy stated, nervously pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Let him come." Erik grinned.

"How dare you. I saw the 'Mutant Daily' article. I would never expect you to stoop so low as to call me a...a..." Charles glowered, his face contorted with rage as he shook the taller man.

"A cowardly integrationist who'd rather bend over in the white house for the president than fight for mutant rights." Erik smirked, "tell me I'm wrong Xavier, oh no you can't. You seem to willingly support the mutant registration act."

Charles growled in frustration "Stop twisting my words you separatist buffoon. I said that it had some merits however it could lead to more persecution of mutants IF an adapted version isn't put into place. Did you not read my article? I explained a specific way how it could be proven useful, you illiterate imbecile."

"Illiterate imbecile? Is that the best you have Xavier? Have I tired the amount of intelligent comebacks you have stored away as you seem to be resulting in petty name calling?"

Charles glared back at him cooly "you called me slut first Lehnsherr."

"I called you no suck thing, I merely implied that you liked to bend over for powerful people." Erik smirked.

The metal pipes on the walls of the classroom began to tremor as the pair continued to hurl insult after insult at each other. Eventually they were cut short by a voice bellowing "Lehnsherr, Xavier, my office right now."

Both men sighed and followed the Dean of the university to his office. They had managed to waste so much of their 1 hour lesson, there was only 15 minutes left.


"Gentlemen I am on my last straw," Glaring at the two students in front of him, Shaw continued "I know you hate each other but enough is enough."

Charles and Erik looked at each other very briefly before turning back to face the Dean.

"If you continue to be at each other's throats I will have to tell you to kiss your degrees goodbye."

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